Thread: Diets anyone?
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Old 04-05-2009, 05:59 PM
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Default Dr. Diane Roberts

Yes Mark, I have found that out about her as well. She is very knowledgeable but tends to see the world as black or white. FYI, there was a study done on this that can be found in pub med. They found that cutting out simple sugars and refined carbohydrates benefited brain injured patients. This makes sense since simple sugars aren't good for a "healthy" brain either...

Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post
I have her book and she does have some insights into brain injury.

But, I do not see any science background and notice a lack of scientific method in her approach to her theories. Unfortunately, blood sugar (glucose) can also be turned into alcohol. Lucky our bodies do not do that kind of a conversion if we are still alive.

She talks about foods that convert to sugar in the brain. Carbs are converted to sugars in the intestines.
She says to go ahead and eat all of the vegetables you want since they do not convert to sugar. Some veggies are high in carbs, ( carrots, peas, onions,) They will quickly convert to sugar, in the intestines.

I would be cautious with her recommendations.
She is big at overstating her case.
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