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Old 04-05-2009, 09:33 PM
nemsmom nemsmom is offline
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nemsmom nemsmom is offline
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Default Don't worry

Originally Posted by AnnieB3 View Post
Kristie, I hope Mrs D comes along to help with this one. If I remember correctly, she knows about the Krebs Cycle/metabolism and may be able to explain it better.

The tests they ran are organic acids and may (or may not) reflect some type of organic acid metabolism disorder. Now don't be getting all freaked out!!!! I am NOT an expert on this stuff. I only know about it from studying biochem. I wondered if I should even give you these two websites.

What you need is someone to explain if these results are significant or not. A regular neurologist may or may not be able to deal with this.

ALWAYS call your neuro with new symptoms. Tingling all over your body is definitely worth calling about!

I hope someone can give you some answers. It really sucks having to wait around for them. Just because the AChR antibodies were negative doesn't mean you don't have MG.

Wish I could help more.

I learned a long time ago (the hard way) that you can't freak out over test results until the specialist tells you it's worth freaking out about.

I had an MRI in 2005 and after playing phone tag for two weeks the dr left a message on my cell phone saying I had a glioma. I looked it up online, imagine my horror when I found out it is a brain tumor. My daughter was in bed sleeping about to be one year old and my husband was out doing vounteer police work. I was there by myself crying my eyes out so worried over this.

I found out later it was a white spot (glyosis) and was blown off that it wasn't causing my symptoms and all I needed was another MRI in a year. It took three years from that first MRI to finally get a diagnosis of MS but that still doesn't explain my weak spells.

I'm not going to panic over what these test results might mean, I just like to be able to research and see if I find anything with these test results that might fit my symptoms. I hate to be synical but I'm losing faith in most doctors ability to find out what's wrong with me. So I see what I can find on my own, I probably wont figure it out but I have more time to research than the doctors do.

It wont be a regular neurologist looking at these test results, it will be a neuromuscular neurologist. She's the one trying to figure out my weak spells.

My MS neuro is who I would call about the tingling, but if I called her at the first sign of every new symptom her phone would never stop ringing. I have to wait and see if it goes away within a day or if it continues. I will have to look in my symptom journal because I know the tingling has been here for a few days, just can't think of how many off the top of my head, but it has been getting progressivly worse.

I will be calling my MS neuro tomorrow. Hopefully she wont need to see me though, it's a two hour drive to see her and I can't do steroid treatment for MS flairs anymore because last time it triggered a 16 hour weak spell that was so severe I was having a hard time breathing and couldn't even respond to a sternum rub. So now my only options to shorten an MS flair are plasma pherisis or IVIG but there isn't much evidence that it helps enough with MS to be worth the time, money and inconvenience to go through it.

I haven't been tested for antibodies, doesn't make sense to me, but I haven't.

I also hadn't had a chest CT until last week, my primary doctor ordered one for me. I haven't got the results of that yet either.

I too hope that I get some answers soon, it is frustrating, 10 years from the start of my symptoms and still no answer but a few doctors say I'm just depressed, and several say it's something more, they just don't know what.

My primary dr likes to say "You're just a mystery wrapped in a conundrum packaged in enigma" He is a great doc and wants so bad for me to be able to get an answer.

Thank you for all your help and sorry that got so long.

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