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Old 04-08-2009, 09:55 AM
ras1256 ras1256 is offline
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ras1256 ras1256 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: outside Denver, Colorado
Posts: 366
15 yr Member
Default Hubby's head injury.

Hi Erin,
I'm glad we could make you smile!

My honey was in my son's boat, parked in our "toy barn" getting some paperwork out for our son. He stepped out like he steps out of our boat - off the bow onto the part of the trailer that sticks up on the front - but son's boat isn't as stable as our apparently and Steve lost his footing.

That's all he really remembers, but we think his other foot got caught up some how in the bow of the boat. Anyway, he smacked his head on something on the way down (the edge of the boat, maybe) and fractured his skull in two places. We're so fortunate! People die from injuries like his all the time, or have permanent short term memory loss and a miriad of other problems. It was horrible when I saw him in the ER - there was blood coming out his ear, he couldn't hear anything at all and had short term memory loss and just kept asking me over and over what was going on, and saying he didn't remember. I mean it would be 2 minutes between the same question.

Luckily, my in-laws were staying at our house and found him in the barn shortly after it happened. They were here, though, for my son's wedding - it was just 4 DAYS after Steve's accident. That sure put everything in a tizzy, let me tell you! Believe it or not, this man of mine is so strong that although he couldn't stay for the reception, he made it to the wedding! Doesn't remember much, and it may have set him back some, but he was determined not to miss it. I love him SO MUCH.

Also luckily, I was doing really well myself last summer, so I was able to take care of him (for a change!). He's doing much better now. He had to get hearing aids, can't taste much, but he has his memory in tact, can think, walk, talk, and doesn't have the personality changes and aggression that can come with that type injury. I am concerned though that all this stress with my problems is causing problems for him. I can see it in his face and his hearing is backsliding even with the aids.

Well, now you have his story, too. Health, and life, are so fragile. My daughter says one good thing that came of Steve's accident is that before everyone was so focused on me that they took him for granted. She always thought he was invincible (he is a VERY STRONG man), and this showed her that she needs to show him more love and concern too.
Their relationship has improved considerably since then; and he told me once that he never realized that so many people "liked" him.

So, I guess there is good that comes of almost everything!

I'm better today, emotionally, except stressing over bills - I'm the major wage earner and since I've been ordered home this is going to be TOUGH!
We'll get through it though - as long as we have family and friends like we have, the "stuff" doesn't matter!

Take care, sweetie!
Originally Posted by erinhermes View Post
Thank you! I did have a great time @ my party - my hubby really is great! He takes such good care of me.............lots of nurses say that when the wife gets sick the spouse just can't handle it and runs out - not ours - we are truly blessed......

I think the hardest thing for me is the uncertainty. That scares me. I am a total type A personality - total overachiever - and now I can't even control my body, but I am here and I am able to enjoy things, so I will focus on that instead of the other......

What happened to your hubby? Is he OK?

I know what you mean about worrying about spouses - granted, Mike and I have only been married 8 years, but he is my biggest "baby" - and I mean that in the best way possible......this has really been hard on him too.

I know MG waxes and wanes and there will be days when I feel crappy, and I know it will get better! My pastor stopped by the other day and prayed with me - it felt great!

I will NEVER, EVER give up hope for remission! I will tell my neuro that if he needs a guinea pig - I am his woman.

Sometimes we NEED to be selfish. My sis is the same way. She resents my illness. There is nothing I can do for her now though. Right now I need to focus on getting better and moving on....

You are right about being so bad off before - I couldn;t even swallow a teaspoon full of liquid - I was that weak. I figure it took years to get this way, so it may take a little longer to feel really great again!

Thank you so much! You made me smile - it felt great!

Enough about me - how are YOU? Are you OK?

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