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Old 04-16-2009, 10:52 PM
AintSoBad AintSoBad is offline
In Remembrance
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AintSoBad AintSoBad is offline
In Remembrance
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Eastern PA.
Posts: 1,143
15 yr Member

I think you did a most outstanding job with this paper! A+ is the Least you should / could have gotten!
It's easy to see the amount of time, and sweat you put into it.

I want to say just a word about Denny's comment.

I'm going through a hellacious divorce, it's been more than a decade. I had a TBI, on top of the full body rsd, and I am on medications. The TBI is besides the normal tearing/swelling, I also have a subdural hematoma at the top of my brain stem. I was in a "walking coma" for a few years. During this time, my wife emptied my bank accounts, and stole most every asset that myself and my two business's owned. Even emptying my daughter's bank account. My two children and myself were thrown out of MY own home three times. (Her name is not on my house, nor, or they her children). Now, she is trying to take that house, that she never paid a penny into.

While reading your paper, I thought wow, here's a way I can make the court realize quickly and efficiently part of what I'm going through. (I have a document on the TBI, but, it's almost 100 pages) Judges like things concise. All was great until I came to one line:

"Drugs in these classes are usually favorable among people because of the high they get."

I felt a charge go through my body! (There's just something about that sentence).

I feel that sentence is somehow worded wrong. It can be taken out of context too easily, on a touchy subject.
(In all fairness to Denny, You did ask for comments.)

You see, my wife, being the charming person that she is, (did I mention she woke me every morning for six months by spitting in my face, and telling me to get up and commit suicide, and take my daughter with me?) Yea, because I'm worthless.
This sweet heart of a lady is telling the court that I was "hooked on narcotics" and therefore abusive.
Her lawyer, in court questioned me if I was still taking methadone.
Of course I am.
(My lawyer didn't show up). Nothing about my RSD, my pain, or any truth came through.
These kind of people not only don't understand, they cannot empathize, and WILL USE IT AGAINST US, if they need to! Remember, there are LOTS of people (Disabled with RSD) who will go through court trials. (I have quite a experience on that one too.)

This attitude is so damaging and pervasive, in the community, that it has to be shown to be wrong!
I have NEVER gotten any kind of buzz from methadone. (That's why it's used to nurse addicts off of Heroin. No BUZZ!) Or, any medication that I take for that matter!

I think perhaps Denny was talking about this sort of situation coming up. I'm not sure.

We are weakened people living in an ocean of sharks. Weakness is condemned. The weak must die. Only the strong survive. You've heard them all.
People are not "naturally educated" about medications, because they are drugs. And therefore, their ignorance and arrogance can take over. Watch TV any night of the week, and you'll likely see an "anti-drug" ad.

I do think that your paper was absolutely excellent, but for that one sentence.
(I think I would simply omit it),, but then it wouldn't be YOUR paper!

Heck, I couldn't write better!
I'm really glad you got the grade you did, you certainly deserve it!
And, I do NOT mean to take anything away from you, or it!
Just a different perspective.


Last edited by AintSoBad; 04-17-2009 at 03:00 AM. Reason: wording/spell
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