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Old 09-11-2006, 04:31 PM
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I will give an update on the past 3 months.


The kids started therapies this month. Zoe gets OT twice a week, PT once a week, Speech once a week, and Vision once a week. Nathaniel gets PT once a month.

Zoe, Michael (my husband), and I went to Raliegh NC for a weekend while my parents watched Nathaniel. We visited some friends and had a great time. This is video of Zoe with Michael on a gocart:

Zoe, Nathaniel, and I went to Florida with my inlaws. Saddly Michael had a major project at work and could not go. Zoe saw the ocean for the first time and had a BLAST!

The only event from that trip was a seizure she had in the hotel room while all the family members were gone and I was there alone with her and Nathaniel. I was close to calling 911 but thank goodness it stopped and she slept the rest of the day.


Durring the hottest parts of the summer, Zoe spiked a 105 to 106 fever. The doctors said it was neurological and that her brain is having trouble telling her body to regulate her temperature. We had to be shut ins for the majority of the month with the house at around 70. It was not fun seeing that electricity bill.

The GI doctor said Nathaniel will NOT require a gtube and cut his prevacid dose. He is doing great and not having a problem. He is also off the monitor! YAY!

Zoe's seizures started to increase. They got to the point where I caved and called the neuro. We went in to see the neuro and not only did they prescribe Trileptal, they ordered a new MRI, a new EEG, AND they reccomended AFOs for Zoe.


Michael got a promotion at work. This means full benefits and a raise! YAY!

The kids have gotten sick a couple of times.
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