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Old 04-22-2009, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Jo*mar View Post
Maybe lazy is the wrong word that was used.

But I think the main complaint by many patients with oddball conditions...
is that if a Dr doesn't know or care to learn about a condition to be able to really help a person then they should just say so.

I mean if we can find a lot of the general info about our symptoms -- and maybe get close to figuring it out - why can't they?

If they aren't interested send us on our way or give a a referral to someone that might be of help..

Certainly MDs should have much better resources that us regular folks...I would hope anyway.

This is just my own opinion.
Dear Jo*mar,

With RSD the worst SX is horrid pain, so you are referred to Pain Mgt.

Pain Mgt MD's are not even allowed to DX, believe it or not. It's not their field.

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