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Old 04-22-2009, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Jo*mar View Post
Maybe lazy is the wrong word that was used.

But I think the main complaint by many patients with oddball conditions...
is that if a Dr doesn't know or care to learn about a condition to be able to really help a person then they should just say so.

I mean if we can find a lot of the general info about our symptoms -- and maybe get close to figuring it out - why can't they?

If they aren't interested send us on our way or give a a referral to someone that might be of help..

Certainly MDs should have much better resources that us regular folks...I would hope anyway.

This is just my own opinion.
Dear Jo*mar,

I was given no hope at all by to many to know. I was told I was disabled and that I needed to accept it. I had some MD's research for me, but still could't help.

My reply was I needed my life back and to ever problem their is a solution. Alot of MD's I saw really cared, but they just didn't know what to do with me. I heard I am really sorry alot, they didn't know.

No matter what insuranse I had I never ever had any problem, getting referred out. Neither should anyone else as well with RSD.

With me nothing seemed to help, instead of any treatment helping I just got worse for several years. Never ever had a problem getting tested at any labs or nothing. But were they all accurate no.

With me, my immune system played a huge role. Hugs, Roz

Check your PM as well
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