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Old 05-20-2009, 09:54 AM
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BEGLET BEGLET is offline
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Smile Thanks Folks

My heart rythm problems preceded my PN by about 8 years, the cardiomyopathy has developed over the last few years - after PN and gastroparesis onset....

The heart rythm problems they first thought were "Wolf-Parkinson-White" and I've had an attempted heart pathway abalation - was when in the early stages of the procedures life and they had to stop after hitting a nerve (literally) in my chest - partway thru.... they wanted to do again but it was not a fun procedure (being awake while someone is sticking wires into my heart is not my idea of fun) - and so we went the beta blocker route and if I get a bad attack - just take more of the med asap and lay on the floor (so dont fall if pass out) and hope it stops - of it goes past about 15 mint at 180 or over I'm supposed to call 911. It has done that - but I'm still here....

Then the PN hit - and the severe gastroparesis, and they made the connection to autonomic PN (they didnt even bother doing the tilt test - the cardio said he KNEW I would fail it just by my standing and sitting BP and didnt want to put me thru it for nothing - I'm on board with that)

Again, the cardiomyopathy does not seem to be part of AN..... and I had a relative die younger then me from it (was too long ago to get exact cause)

The GP (Gastroparesis) drugs can have bad side affects - all of them... the doctors will not let me near propulsid - for good reason cause of the cardiac side affects.. I know many people that take motilium (domperidone) and I've tried it too (prescription written by Amer. docs - but I have a constant headache from it) and it works well for them and doesnt leave one with bad side effects of reglan, another motility med sold here but very strong and can have nuero side effects in addition to many others.... motilium can bother you if you have Long QT too - another heart rythm condition.

Overall - very small selection of drugs to treat GP to start with and they all have the potential to have very bad side effects - and docs usually have to mix motility and anti-nausea meds until they find a cocktail that works for you.... and you tolerate them because without you wouldnt be able to keep anything down otherwise....

Megan - no matter what med you use - switching diet to solids from liquids is a big shock to your system.... hope it works - but be patient and I'd be sure to stick to a gastroparesis recommended diet for what you do eat and again, just do very slowly....

Aussie and Hope - sorry to hear others dealing with cardiac issues and fam. too - meds help tremendously in this area..... hope they continue to help you
and fam members.... I'm the only one of my generation with any cardiac issues - so docs are stumped.... (again, I dont want a cardiac biopsy for amyloid if theres no treatment they can offer other then what I'm already getting for everything - which there isnt.....would love to be able to just chaulk it up to AN)

Last edited by BEGLET; 05-20-2009 at 10:57 AM.
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