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Old 05-24-2009, 01:57 AM
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Originally Posted by waves View Post
Do you think this might be part of the reason you keep pushing the appointment forward? Not just because of not feeling well but also perhaps to avoid facing his ask/nagging about sleep... perhaps until you schedule the study? That sounds like something i would do if i were nervous about it. Just a thought.

~ waves ~
Dear Waves,
You are right.
I understand you that I need sleep at some point in the 24 hour cycle.

When I can, I sleep in the day.

Right now, I am failing that miserably. Example on Saturday: went to bed around 8:00 am and had to set the alarm for 10:00 am to make a phone call. Went back to bed with alarm set for 12:00 noon. Hubby and I had to do some errands. Then I had promised friend that I would go to a stupid event at 7:00 pm.

I told her ahead of time that I might not stay for the whole event. I was feeling irritated and annoyed.

So I stepped outside, found a bench, and slept sitting up for 20-30 minutes. When her event was over, she came out and found me.

So I got some sleep at an unconventional time and place.

Right now, I'm sleepy and yet I have not taken night beds yet or started bed time regime.
And hubby and I might have to be up at 1:00 pm.

So I don't get what is going on with me.

Whatever it is, it is more powerful than the need to sleep.
That scares me if I think about it.

Regarding possibly avoiding pdoc:
Yes, somewhat.
1st postponed visit was one day after ER visit when ER doc told me to stay home for two days. I did not feel good. And people in my city are sensitive about people possibly exposing others to viruses.

2nd postponed visit -- I was waaaaaaay into a sleep deficit (more than usual). Plus I had a report due for work.
The trip to the pdoc is 45-55 minutes away and requires focus on the road.
Main reason for 2nd cancellation: I was not up to driving that day and decided to play it safe.

I agree with your suggestion that I can call the sleep doc's office to schedule appointment (will be hard to get a day time appointment in his sleep lab as he has the lab open only one day a week for us day sleepers.)
If I can tell pdoc that I have / am working on an appointment, that could make things better.

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