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Old 06-04-2009, 11:14 AM
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Default Excess Nitric Oxide/Peroxynitrite as the cause of CFS/FM + other causes of CFS/FM

It is interesting that excess NO production can be the cause of CFS/FM. I think that its not the actual Nitric Oxide that causes it but due to a genetic mutation or bacterial/viral infection your body instead converts NO to Peroxynitrite and Super Oxide. Both are extremely damaging free radicals which cause neuronal cell death and DNA damage.

In the case of bacterial/viral CFS in an attempt to protect the body it creates lots of super oxide. Superoxide is biologically quite toxic and is deployed by the immune system to kill invading microorganisms. In phagocytes, superoxide is produced in large quantities by the enzyme NADPH oxidase for use in oxygen-dependent killing mechanisms of invading pathogens. In turn, micro-organisms genetically engineered to lack superoxide dismutase (SOD), lose virulence SOD it the antioxidant which protects cells it can be increased by using antioxidants such as selenium and manganese.

I myself have been dealing with chronic fatigue past 6-8 months but due to extensive testing have been able to allieviate a large amount of symptoms and am on a road to recovery.

I am on 4mg of Folinic Acid and 10mg of Methylcobalamin per day sublingual. Both help to quench these free radicals and prevent your body from converting Nitric Oxide to its toxin forms. These two supplements have helped tremendously like nothing else. But these we're specific for myself due to Organic acid testing and metabolic analysis. Because i have a MTHFR mutation so i need the folinic acid to go straight into circulation and Methylb12 for my nerves/sense of touch reduction/muscle weakness.

One good supplement which reduces these free radicals is Resveratrol it is good for just about anything - Glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, L.H. Release, supporting the immune system, elevated cholesterol etc...

Another product that has good success with chronic fatigue syndrome is Astra 8 immune tonic. It boosts the immune system but also contains immunomodulatory herbs such as ligustrum and codonopsis which reduce an overactive immune system. It also contains some adaptogens (licorice root) which provides your adrenals with some extra fuel.

The best testing i have seen is at and

I think their are many causes of CFS/FM and each's case is individual.

These are usually due to:

1. Hormone imbalance: low testosterone, hypothyroidism, low estorgen/progesterone, adrenal insufficiency all these can deplete the body of its energy reserves particularly if you aren't making enough cortisol and their are quite a few studies showing that people with CFS tend to have low cortisol levels.

Proper hormone testing should be done with anyone with the condition and hormone replacement be commenced for those with deficiencies. I would see anti-aging/integrative medical specialist rather than endocrinologists. Endos are only good for chronic problems such aq cushing disease or addisons and refuse to treat people in some cases even if the symptoms of their particular hormone disorder are more than obvious.

2. Nutritional deficiencies: due to malabsorbtion of nutrients, dysbiosis (bacterial overgrowth) with parasites, candida albicans or other hidden infections, poor diet, lack of digestive enzymes/hydrochloric acid.

- Hair Mineral Analysis or Optimal Nutritional Evaluation at Genova diagnostics can bring insight into nutritional/metabolic issues

3. Heavy metal overload - mercury, cadmium, lead, all these can cause chronic fatigue due to your body being overwhelmed with the toxins of heavy metals. Your body then ends up being depleted in its master antioxidant glutathione and your detoxification system is impaired leving you vulnerable to toxins/oxidants which case damage to your DNA and cells.
This can be due to too much smoking (cadmium) too much fish/tuna (mercury) etc...
Hair mineral analysis will show toxic overload, blood and urine tests aren't anywhere as accurate as hair reflects long term exposure to toxic metals.

4. Low EFA's - lack of essential fatty acids can cause chronic fatigue although to a much larger extent but it can too be a contributing factor to the disease. EFA's omega 3, 6 and 9 are required by your body everyday as they are involved with the repair of cells and particular the repair of your cell membranes. Cell membranes are comprised of fats and if you don't take in enough your cell membranes will over time get damaged and not replicate properly.

RBC Fatty Acid testing at genovadiagnostics will show the level of fatty acids inside your cells.

Incorporating a EFA supplement in your diet would be helpful although i would avoid too much omega 3 fatty acids as these can cause more harm than good. Arachidonic acid omega 6 is beneficial!!!.

5. Impaired methylation - this would probably more so be the MAIN cause of the problem - hypomethylation (misreplication of DNA) will cause any or all disease to progress. It is involved with your energy (mitochondrial function), mood (neurotransmitters), healing. As well as Detoxification via the production of glutathione and Immunity and DNA replication.

You need someone who is an expert in methylation to help you out on specific supplement you need to correct this. The Optimal nutritional evaluation at Genova was the test that i did for this and i then got my supplement recommendations.

6. Oxidative stress - i think people might know this already. Increase your antioxidant intake via foods (goji berries, acai berries) particularly very effective and supplements Vitamins A, C, E, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Glutathione Cream.

7. Diet - in terms of diet i would reduce refined sugar and carbohydrate consumption and increase protein consumption from - organic eggs, lamb, chicken, hydrolyzed whey protein isolate (lactose free) - which is a predigested protein.

Fats - organic butter, avocado's,
sunflower/almond/hazelnut butters, nuts, seeds, hemp seed oil/butter, macadamia nut oil.

Carbohydrates i wouldnt use many but the ones i would use would come from fruits and vegetables and tonnes of them. Raw juicing is excellent full of vitamins/minerals/enzymes. and easily absorbed by the digestive tract. Also Quinoa, Amaranth, Corn, Rice/Corn cereals, pastas and gluten free grains. Its a good idea to reduce carbohydrate consumption since bacteria/yeast and most pathogens thrive on carbohydrates/sugar as a fuel source.

8. Food Allergies can be a major cause for some people thats why i would get a RAST test done as well as IgE inhalant allergies and IgE food allergies. Its a generally good idea to avoid wheat, dairy and soy as these are the most prevalent allergic trigger foods that can be adding to the underlying cause of the problem.

9. Malabsorbtion/poor digestion - because you are what you absorb not what you eat. Particularly if you regularly have digestive complains such as nausea, constipation/diarrhoea, indigestion, excessive or a lack of appetite.

This can be helped by using high dose probiotics 50 billion per day to establish good gut flora. About 70% of the bodys immune system is located in the gut so keeping your gut flora full of good microbes can keep your immune system healthy. The gut flora also help you to absorb your foods properly. Vegetable digestive enzymes with meals as well as betaine hydrochloride which can assist HcL acid production - althought only use this one if you know you suffer from hypochloria - low stomach acid production. As well as replacing missing vitamins/minerals which can be tested for with the above tests.

Their is also the issue of (LGS) leaky gut syndrome (also called increased intestinal permeability), is the result of damage to the intestinal lining, making it less able to protect the internal environment as well as to filter needed nutrients and other biological substances. As a consequence, some bacteria and their toxins, incompletely digested proteins and fats, and waste not normally absorbed may "leak" out of the intestines into the blood stream. This triggers an autoimmune reaction, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes, and autoimmunity. The cause of this syndrome may be chronic inflammation, food sensitivity, damage from taking large amounts of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), cytotoxic drugs and radiation or certain antibiotics, excessive alcohol consumption, or compromised immunity.

Intestinal Permiability can be tested via genova diagnostics. Treatment revolves around healing and supporting the integrity of the damaged intestinal mucosa with supplements such as: L-Glutamine, EFA's, Zinc, N-Acetyl Glucosamine, Slippery Elm Bark, FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) and the pre-biotic Saccharomyces Boullardi. Also avoiding allergenic foods and particularly mucosal irritants such as coffee and alcohol.

10. Parasitic infestation - These little buggers can cause anything from infective arthritis to chronic fatigue. Bacteria/Parasites synthesis Folate and B12 so a deficiency of both of these could indicate the presence of a pathogen. This is the GI stool test i would do:

The GI Effects Profile uses DNA analysis to identify microbiota including anaerobes, a previously immeasurable area of the gut environment. DNA assessment is specific and accurate, avoids the pitfalls of sample transport, reports results as specific numbers, and is more sensitive than classic laboratory methods.

This is just my opinion of what the causes of CFS/FM are usually due to and some people will be suprised how quickly then can turn their lives around when they know what is actually causing their Chronic Fatigue.

Thanks for reading, hope this helps you in your quest for a healthy body and mind.

Last edited by MetalMX; 06-04-2009 at 11:34 AM.
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