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Old 06-20-2009, 02:03 PM
mmuller1988 mmuller1988 is offline
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mmuller1988 mmuller1988 is offline
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Attention Does this sound like MS?

Hello everyone,

My name is Michael. I'm a 21-year-old college student living in Miami Beach, Florida. Lately, some strange (and horrifying) symptoms have arisen, and I was wondering if you all think if it is something serious like MS or not. The odd symptoms I've experienced for the last 2 months are:

*Frequent muscle spasms. Very small and never painful, only lasting for a few seconds at random points on my body. They happened to be in the past occasionally, but they have become more frequent.

*Odd tingling sensations. The two areas that I feel tingling/vibrating the most is my left foot and hand. It isn't totally constant, it comes and goes throughout the day. I'll get these same feelings in my right hand and foot as well, but never as much as the left side. I've also experienced this feeling occasionally in my fingers.

*Feelings at random places on my body that feels like someone is pushing a needle into my pin. Like, pinches of pain. These only last a few seconds as well. They occur the most in my toes, soles of my feet, and rarely in my fingers. Something that is odd is that a lot of the time, when I feel this pinching pain in my foot, I'll also feel in on my lower abdomen at the same time. When one stops, so will the other.

*Just odd, general pain in my legs and arms. Never painful, just noticeable and annoying. These come and go and are not very constant. I've felt these dull pains in my arms, legs, sometimes around my torso, and on the sides of my chest (never directly in the middle).

*Headaches that come and go throughout the day.


Now, the thing is, is that weird things have been happening for almost 6 months now. I was told by 2 doctors that I have an anxiety problem. I'd have attacks (and sometimes still do). But this "anxiety disorder" stirred by a bunch of dragging symtoms over the course of the months I experienced them. When I had my first attack about 5 or 6 months ago, my left hand felt like it was tingling for a week, then it stopped. I was hospitalized for strong constipation, odd BMs, and bloody stools. I received the following tests in the course of the last 5 months or so:

-Chest x-ray
-CT scan of abdomen
-Blood tests to test the following:
Red and white blood cell count
Sodium levels
Protein levels
Calcium levels
Diabetes screening

Out of all of the above tests, the only thing the doctor had to say was that my spleen was slightly enlarged, but that that is nothing to worry about, and that everything else came back fine. They said the constipation and bloody stools was due to the anxiety.

But these neurological symptoms don't feel like they're improving, and I've very scared.

I have no medical insurance. The only way I had the above tests done was by going to my local ER. And I get billed a ridiculous amount when it was all through.

So, do you guys think it may be something serious, like a bad neurological condition like MS or something? Or is it just my anxiety playing tricks on me? I don't even feel anxious lately.

Please help! All comments, ideas and feedback are greatly, GREATLY appreciated.
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