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Old 09-12-2006, 04:48 PM
graceperson graceperson is offline
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graceperson graceperson is offline
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Originally Posted by diamondheart View Post

Your story is very inspirational. I tried the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for about 6 weeks this summer, but I later found out I was reacting to nuts, which are allowed on SCD. Without the the dairy and nuts, SCD was way too restrictive for me. My point is that it was very hard for me to be on such a restrictive diet, and I can't imagine how you did it for 4 years! I lost 5 pounds over that 6 weeks, and I'm not someone who needs to lose weight. I was hungry all the time. I thought I remembered that you did SCD, but not sure. Processed foods seem to be my enemy right now, but they are so hard to resist. Cooking all my food from scratch is challenging with a full time job, but much healthier for me.

I'm glad you are healing. I'm hoping I can avoid serious damage to my gut, but I'm not quite sure how damaged it is right now. When I did the Enterolab testing in April, I was normal for everything (gluten IgA, casein IgA, & malabsorption, but bad news on the genes) even though I know I'm not normal! Next will be a intestinal permeability test.


I left out potatoes and rice...I DID eat potatoes and rice. Also, I would eat rice crackers with ground nuts (very good for calories!) So, I don't think I was on the SCD diet. I was more on a sugar free, gluten free, and mostly dairy free, whole foods diet. If I had to cut out potatoes and rice, I would have been emaciated for sure. Have you ever read the book "The Yeast Connection"? That is mostly how I based my diet. I really focused on maximizing nutrition. That helped me immensely. I was so thrilled as I saw my hair became thick and shiny, my nails grow,l my skin glow and the whites of my eyes get clear. Nutrition is such an amazing thing.

While I definitely stayed on the diet, I wasn't militant. At first I would try to have a glass of wine here and there but I found it just made me feel lousy so I preferred to stay on the diet.

Have you tried juicing? That is a great way to boost your nutrition. I usually juice with beets, carrots, apples and anything else in the refrigerator.

You know, I don't have a lot of confidence in the testing. So, definitely get the testing, but be sure to base a lot of your decisions on how you respond to the diet. I was in such bad shape, and my whole family was freaking out when I didn't "appear" to be better after year 1 etc, but I could feel my body healing so I stayed the course. My parents/in-laws etc all thought I was nuts but now I look far healthier than the normal 44 year old (at least I think I do).

The flaxseed is a biggee I think. One tablespoon nightly really helps me.

One thing we used to joke about on this forum was the "non-pointy" diet. At my worst, it was very painful eating anything with rough edges ie. nuts, corn chips, raw vegetables etc. I would feel really good on days I would eat soup as my main meal. You might want to experiment with this as it may be a way to get some relief.


Last edited by graceperson; 09-12-2006 at 05:26 PM.
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