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Old 07-20-2009, 02:42 AM
billie billie is offline
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billie billie is offline
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Lightbulb Adrenal support supplement

Originally Posted by nhp17 View Post
Hello again, I came out of detox from pain medication three weeks ago. I was taking Subutex for a long period of time, and decided to get off of it. I made a thread about not being able to sleep, etc. after coming out. My doctor put me on Trazodone, which is helping me sleep somewhat (about four hours per night now). It's also an anti-depressant, but I am getting more and more depressed by the day, instead of feeling better.

I read that taking Subutex has some effect on your adrenal and thyroid. I don't know much about either of them, but I think thats why I have absoloutely no energy. I can barely get out of bed sometimes. I've been taking lots of vitamins, and I've tried forcing myself to exercise, but nothing has worked.

Does anyone know what I should do? Is there a medication that can restore my adrenal (I still dont know what that is really)? I think that if I wasn't so exhausted all the time, my depression would go away. At first it was like a roller coaster of emotions, now I'm just down all the time, and I seem to be feeling worse mentally and physically every day. I'm about to turn 28 years old, but I feel like I'm 88.

Thanks for your time
THERE'S AN ADRENAL SUPPORT SUPPLEMENT CALLED CYLAPRIL which I saw advertized on tv. It looked too good to be true and is kind of expensive, but I really believe it is helping me. Nothing dramatic, just that black hole where my energy used to be is filling up again. Sales floor # 1-800-948-5028. Caffeine is widely used as well and works for some people, which is why so many drink it. Oddly, I've found that a lot of people suffering from exhaustion don't like coffee and don't drink it. But you might look into the Cylapril. Like I say, it's adrenal support. I'd say it's effect is somewhat more discernable than most supplements, but it's not really dramatic. I have never heard of subutex, but some pain meds produce a type of energy by reducing the energy-draining pain and tension. billie
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