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Old 07-20-2009, 02:53 AM
billie billie is offline
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billie billie is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Big Spring, TX
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Ooo mental AND physical addiction

Originally Posted by PunkDizzle View Post
ok truth time... i have been drinking every night for about a year now.. usually 9-12 beers/drinks.. on the weekdays and depending on the weekend i may drink till i just pass out... it all started when i lost someone close to me.. but that is neither here nor there at this point.. my problem is now i want to quit and don't know how to go about even doing it.. nightlife seems boring to me now without booze so i know there is a problem.. i feel no urge to drink during the day..

i have heard from ppl that i can't just quit cold turkey or i run the risk of bad effects.. ( don't know how true it is ) i tried to not start drinking tonight but mentally i could not do it.. pretty much 50/50 id say because of the fear of having issues from alcohol withdraw.. and a mental addiction to it.

i really want to quit badly.. and i think i would like to try it on my own before i go to an AA meeting..

any tips,websites, on quitting would help me tons..
I don't know if your drinking is this advanced, but seizures and death can result from alcohol withdrawal [whereas with narcotics withdrawal, you just wish that you were dead]. This forum could offer you much support. But examine yourself - why do you want to quit on your own before going to AA. AA is not what people may think, and you can find lots of support there. If neither works, I would seek a detox center. and lots of luck - signed: been there done that billie
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