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Old 08-03-2009, 12:10 PM
shelmora shelmora is offline
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shelmora shelmora is offline
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First off let me make something clear here, i wasn't referring to all WCB claimants I was talking about the one who claims to have swollen breasts, belly and brain. Also those were my doctors words not mine and I'm sorry if i didn't make that clear. I think you can agree with me that people should be diagnosed by a doctor and to claim that everything that goes wrong with our bodies doesn't mean its RSD related after all most of us are in our middle years where most anything can happen. Sorry if I offended anyone that wasn't my intention but what I was trying to make clear is so many self diagnose themselves. If any of you out there don't believe that there are people who try to con the system then you should take your blinder's off because they are out there. This is why I said doctors reports should back them up and that goes for everyone not just people with WCB claims.

Let me say also that there is no anger towards others with RSD, that statement I find a little hurtfull, I can see with that said my point was totally missed. I would think that those of you who really have RSD would see my point, don't you think it belittles us when those out there claim such crazy things, how can we be taken seriously. Thankfully I never have had a problem with any doctors but I do know that some doctors I have talked with say they are on guard because they are being told things that don't make sense.

Let me put it to you this way and then maybe you can see where i'm coming from. When it comes to survey being done by people with RSD do you think its fair if people put that they are full-body etc-- when they haven't been diagnosed by a doctor and that goes for putting any answer down that isn't backed up by a doctor. Then it throws out the whole survey as being unreliable. I have seen for my very own eyes that when I tell someone with RSD that I had new areas/symptoms then within a week or so the samething was happening to them so can't you see my point.

Oh could I tell you guys somethings I have heard the past few years from people and if I spelt it all out here you would then see that I'm not a bitter RSDer but someone who is trying to stick up for those of you out there who are really suffering. If you don't think that I live a life of hell think again why would I come on here and pick on people who suffer this horrible diease if anything I'm trying my best to make it right so that all RSDer's get treated fairly by doctors.

Hey Dew do you know of a person with RSD in their feet and legs that would ever put themselves in a pair of hiking boots and jeans? Well I did. funny thing is my legs and feet are not my main RSD site but yet I have never even worn a pair of running shoes since it went into my legs and feet. Haven't even worn jeans in years. So again I ask you does that make much sense to you. As I said if I put up all that I know to be true here you guys wouldn't be picking on me but you would be questioning these people who claim to be so bad. I really don't want to keep this going just take what I've said and know that I to have RSD and I'm not out to put all people with RSD down as a matter of fact I would like to see a cure ASAP so that all of you could have your old lives back. Yes I do have a heart and a big one at that. PLEASE know i'm here to defend you guys from those who try to make themselves worse than they truly are.
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