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Old 08-03-2009, 05:05 PM
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Default neurotransmitter assessment and adrenal gland test

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you that I just got my first neurotransmitter and adrenal assessment tests back from neuroscience. They both came back with interesting results. I did the 24 hour saliva cortical adrenal test and it showed that my adrenal glands are out of whack. I also did the morning urine test for the neurotransmitter test. It showed that I'm deficient in epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and slightly deficient in seratonin. The ND I'm seeing for this has suggested I take a natural supplement for my adrenal glands and the suggested amino acid therapy from neuroscience for my neurotransmitter deficiency. Both of the therapies are pretty inexpensive -relatively speaking- so I thought I would give them a try. Not sure if this will work or not since this is very new science (except for the adrenal gland therapy) but I'm willing to give it a try. The doc did say that my adrenal glands being out of whack does make sense since I've put my body under so much stress with the PCS. She also has suspicions that my thyroid could also be out of whack, but she wants to see what happens with this first. I'll report back on here in a month for those who are interested. It seems that a lot of docs are excited for this therapy (of course, as with all things in the medical/science community, it doesn't come without it's critics also).

Also, if anyone has any experience with this, I would love it if you would share with us your experiences. Actually, I believe I got the idea from someone who posts on here regularly...Viny? Maybe???
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