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Old 08-09-2009, 12:41 PM
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I am getting the full hormone panel done in a few weeks. My 24 hour adrenal-cortical saliva test came back abnormal, so my hormones are probably also out of whack and need to be tested.

FYI: You don't actually feed your body neurotransmitters as they can't cross the blood brain barrier. You only feed your body the amino acid pre-cursers to neurotransmitters and it synthesizes them for you.

Also, neuroscience is independent of the of the lab that performs the analysis on the specimen. There are also about 5-6 competitors to neuroscience as well. Most just consider them the "gold standard" for this type of testing.

Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post

Have you had a thorough hormone panel done? It can be a big contributor to the other imbalances. Hormones can take a while to get in proper balance.

I have not been convinced that you can 'feed' your body neurotransmitters. The body makes them from other compounds.

I have looked into L-tryptophan as a supplement. The body routinely uses it to make 5-HTP and so on to serotonin. The studies show that you need to provide the nutrient in a form that is as far removed from the neurotransmitter as possible so that the body does the converting. The body knows how to modulate the end compound. An example is those who suffer from serotonin syndrome by taking 5-HTP in excess thus bypassing the body's modulating mechanism.

Thyroid tests should be repeated to find an average. Thyroid levels can be effected by other hormones.

There are two problems we have to consider.

One, our food supply can and does introduce toxins and hormones that disrupt our body's attempt to regulate itself.

Two, A brain injury can and often does disrupt the function of the pituitary gland thus messing up all of the functions down stream from the pituitary. Often, this is most evident during times of stress.

As an aside, I am skeptical of a lab that sell products to resolve their laboratory findings. I would like to see labs that are independent of the supply chain.

My wife has a lab that does the analysis, a physician who interprets the results and a separate supplier that compounds the nutrient/hormone. Her physician does not use the labs standards of "normal" as her standards.

If a science is valid, it will be the same at different labs. Until there are other labs doing the analysis, the science is to be questioned. I first started looking into "boutique" labs back in 1982. Some have continued to thrive and others collapse under the scrutiny of their peers. Some have become 'outlaws' by removing all claims to "diagnose, cure, treat, any disease or illness."

I would like to see a competitor to Neuroscience. Competition sharpens the scientific knowledge.
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