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Old 01-02-2007, 08:17 PM
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Arrow Facts, Warning Signs & Web Resources

(free online depression test at

Legally, suicide is a CRIME.
In religion, suicide is a SIN.
In modern society, suicide of a child, adolescent or young adult is seen as a FAILURE of parenting.
None of these things is true.

Facts about teen depression, bipolar disorder and suicide:

• One in every 11 high school students in Michigan reported in the 2005 Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey that they had attempted suicide one or more times in the past year; three percent of those who had made an attempt needed medical attention afterward.

• In the same survey, 26 percent of students reported symptoms of depression, and 16 percent had seriously considered suicide in just the last year. Those who had symptoms of depression were far more likely to have attempted suicide during the previous year.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens and young adults, taking nearly 4,000 lives each year.

• And young children take their lives, too. In 2003, 244 suicides occurred among children aged 10 to 14.

[[Many of these deaths go undetected,
1) mistaken for accidental deaths
2) or are covered up by parents who wish to avoid having people know what happened.]] - teri

The Twelve Warning Signs that a young person might be considering suicide:
  1. Threatening to hurt or kill oneself, or talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself.
  2. Looking for ways to kill themselves by seeking firearms, available pills, or other means.
  3. Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide.
  4. Feeling hopeless.
  5. Feeling rage or uncontrolled anger or seeking revenge.
  6. Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking.
  7. Feeling trapped – like there’s no way out.
  8. Increasing alcohol or drug use.
  9. Withdrawing from friends, family, and society.
  10. Feeling anxious, agitated, or unable to sleep, OR sleeping all the time.
  11. Experiencing dramatic mood changes.
  12. Seeing no reason for living or having no sense of purpose in life.
Find more on the Web at:

U-M Depression Center:

(free online depression test at

Chase Edwards memorial web site:

Michigan Legislature: Chase’s Law

American Association of Suicidology:

Suicide Prevention Resource Center:
(Offers resources for parents, teachers, school health providers, and teens)

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:

Ms. Kara E. Gavin

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