Thread: I'm Crying
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Old 08-24-2009, 01:10 PM
AnnieB3 AnnieB3 is offline
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AnnieB3 AnnieB3 is offline
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Shari, Your temp can also go low from being dehydrated, which can happen after IVIG. Are you drinking enough water? Do you have a blood pressure cuff? The other "stat" that goes low is BP if you are dehydrated. When you have IVIG, first you have an influx of fluid then you can become dehydrated afterwards.

Are you taking a B Complex or B12 by itself? What kind of B12? Tablet or sublingual (under the tongue)? I take the 5000 mcg. per day but that is because I have damage from my B12 deficiency. Most people take 1000 mcg. a day. It should not cause you to feel weirdly energized unless what you are taking contains caffeine!

You would have to ask for the specific thyroid tests, which can include TSH, T4, Free T4, T3 and thyroid antibodies.

I actually saw a woman years ago who did meditation. After a few sessions, I was able to put myself into such a deep state of meditation that it felt like my body was floating! If you can find someone to help you with guided imagery or different techniques to destress, please do! It's a rather useful skill to have. You can try this one: Lie down or sit with your eyes closed. Pretend you are either a leaf on a tree in a beautiful garden or a feather from a bird on a beach. Count backwards from 20 SLOWLY and imagine yourself drifting down to the ground. Think about how a leaf or feather floats down to the ground, back and forth sort of rhythmically.

Get copies of those test results! I hope you can feel better soon.

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