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Old 09-22-2009, 06:24 PM
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Dear lopi,

Since you mentioned you wanted to get LENS therapy, I thought I would provide some information to you. First, your husband should know that there has been a lot of research done on neurofeedback for head injuries. In the 1990's, a team of doctors conducted a research study on this and found that 70% of the participants had improvements in symptoms by 78% or greater. Many of them were able to return to work and lead fulfilling lives. And, they were only using traditional neurofeedback on slow processing computers. As you are probably aware, and for the other members reading this, LENS in an advanced form of neurofeedback, that is light years ahead of what they were using when they conducted the research study mentioned above, that introduces a small electromagnetic current into the brain. Within the world of neurofeedback, this is considered the the best way to rehab brain injuries because it works on the brain holistically and, your brain doesn't have to do any work.
A lot of research is also now being conducted on brain diseases/injuries using electromagnetic stimulation with good results. So, if you can afford it, I would highly recommend you try this therapy.

As with everything, this therapy may or may not work for you and you may only see a slight improvement in symptoms. It is also not covered by insurance. However, the nice thing about LENS therapy is that you will know within a couple of sessions whether or not it's going to work. So if you try it and it doesn't work, you'll really only be out two to three sessions worth of money. It also requires fewer sessions, so it is actually more cost effective than traditional neurofeedback.

If you need links to the research articles to show your husband, let me know and I'll pm them to you.
Originally Posted by lopi View Post
I was in a M/C accident 4 years ago today hit my head going 60 mph Have had several therapies done and every test done all show I was normal I can not work or travel my main issue is over simaltion from noise lights movement which makes life very hard I want to get LENS thearphy but my husband thinks it is hocs pocs and wants me to enter a rehab program I don't think that that is the answer but I don't know anymore I am so sick of my meds they are killing me but I don't know af any rehab that treats closed head injuries they all seem to treat TBI and I don't fit in that even if my life is very disabled does anyone know of a rehab center that treat PCS in Washington State
I think my marriage depends on it he is so tried of dealing with this I think he wants out even tho he was driving the MC and right know he is on a M/C trip for 5 days with his friends and having fun while I am suck at home suffering (sorry I had to Vent )
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