Thread: Max19BC
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Old 09-25-2009, 04:33 PM
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Default Taking mucuna

Originally Posted by Jim0918 View Post
I found your post interesting and very thought provoking-introspectively. What dose of macuna would you recommend starting out on? I take about 12 sinemet 25/100 throughout the day. Is there a kind of ratio in that a tsp of macuna equals 1 sinemet. Can you recommend what we should look for on the bottle. Thanks. How do you take it? With something to drink/eat? On cereal?

Hi Jim,
I've tried a variety of mucuna from different suppliers. I keep going back to taking Zandopa (mucuna) from India, it seems to work the best for me. It's in the powder form, so it's a bit of a pain to take. Here's my suggestion for taking Zandopa.

Everyone is going to need different amounts, depending on what other meds they are on and what their needs are. I recommend that you take it very slowly. If you take to much to quickly, you body might reject it (throw-up) or other side effects, just like if you took to much Sinemet. So take it in tiny amounts to start with and build up slowly. Try taking a level 1/4 tsp of powered munuca (Zandopa) 2 times a day for the first week to start.
Take a level 1/4 tsp 3 times a day for the second week. Gradually increase it to 1/2 tsp 4 times a day by the 2nd month. See what works best for you. Mix Zandopa in half a glass of water. I use a small hand held blender to mix it or use a mixing container. It doesn’t mix very well with a spoon. Personally I don’t mind the taste, but I do add some juice to it (cranberry, etc.)
Hopefully you will notice some benefits in a week or two. It’s takes time to build up in your system, just like Sinemet, so be patient. Right now, I’m currently taking a half level tsp of Zandopa with 1/2 tablet of Simenet. (200/50 cr). 3x a day. This works for me, but everyone if different.
I'm still doing all this on my own right now, but you should let your doctor(s) know what you're doing. Keep a record (date, time of day, amount of all meds/mucuna, when it kicked in, faded out, and effects (good or bad), meals time, etc.
Just take it slow, if you feel anxious, hyper, or antsy you know you're taking to much. I space the doses by at least 2 hours 'till the next one. I take just enough to feel normal without feeling anxious. Remember this stuff is very powerful, be sure to gradually reduce some of your Simenet as you replace it with Zandopa. My guess is that a 1/2 level tsp of Zandopa equals to one 125/50 Sinemet. I'm probably wrong on the exact amount but it should be close.
I get my Zandopa from:

Good luck,
Keep us informed on your results.
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