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Old 10-03-2009, 08:06 PM
tiredofpain07 tiredofpain07 is offline
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tiredofpain07 tiredofpain07 is offline
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Originally Posted by dreambeliever128 View Post
I was born in Ky. but have spent the last 36 years in Colorado. What I meant about the weather not being normal is that we usually don't see this fall like weather until Halloween. The kids around here maybe have one good Halloween without rain, sleet or snow once every 10 years but up until then we usually have great weather. It was 39 this morning but got warmer. I had my heat on 2 times in August. Who does that accept maybe in Alaska.

As far as the cold feet and legs, I deal with the same. The kids got me an electric blanket for my birthday and I am already using it at night. It does help but I will say that my legs still take forever to warm up. I also have Plantar fascious in my feet. They burn on the bottom if I am on them too long but they feel cold. Like you said, it's just too wierd. This new med my Dr. put me on, so far isn't doing anything for anything. It might take time though.

I am tired. I just got home, I have to go down in a bit and take pictures of my boys ready for the Homecomeing dance. I will put their pictures on my album tomorrow. I have to go get them and take them home after the Homecoming dance so I am probably looking at midnight by the time my day ends.

I think you will find that right Dr. Most of us do on here but I will say Janet, it is sure not an overnight thing with most of us. I have my PCP but I saw over 50 Drs. before he finally just said he'd take care of everything.

One thing I learned also is how to present yourself to Drs. My PCP councelled me in how to talk to them and how to act when I saw one. I learned there were certain ways a person don't want to come off as when they see the Drs. You have to make them think that you aren't crazy. LOL When I first started out with the RSD, I thought I was going crazy. I think too you have to make them think that you are agreeing with them but then say, you know I agree with you but could we try this too. Give them ideals and make them think they are right. Don't show anger either. I did that at first. After awhile you get frustrated with seeing so many and then it turns to anger. It sure did with me anyway. Don't mention the forum either. If you present any info just tell them you read it on the computer on a Medical site. They aren't too crazy about forums due to none of us being Drs. so they think we don't know anything.

I'm not very smart on RSD either. When someone asks me what it is, I can't even find a short explanation for it. I just know what my Dr. did for me to get me to where I am today. We learn as we go.

Hi Ada,
We live in TN & even thou it doesnt get as cold here as where I grew up (PA) it still gets cold. We havent had the heat on---we normally build a fire in the fireplace, but hubby hasnt been able to do that yet, because of having to take care of me 24/7--he hasnt had the chance to cut any firewood yet. Besides he hurts from his RA.
I guess that in the last 7 years Ive seen probably close to 50 doctors---they just dont know what it is here so they pawn you off on someone else & on & on & on.
Even though most of the ones that I have seen have been either in Knoxville or Chatnooga---which are alot bigger cities than where I am---they still dont know. Most of them are like its "all in my head, you need to see a shrink"for awhile there I thought that I was going crazy. I mean if you hear it enough, you start to think that way.
Ive had alot of "dark, dark days", its a struggle every day, especially when I hurt really really badly & nothing works at even taking a "little" bit of the pain away. Now that I got my jazzy & Im no longer confined to the front porch, its getting a little bit better. Today I went down to the mailbox all by myself--well my dog (Grumpy) followed me, I cant tell you how "wondeful" that was. Ive not gone anywhere by myself in 2 years & 53 days. I enjoy when hubby goes with me too, but just being able to do it "myself" was wonderful, because I cant do anything else by myself. Im in central time, so how far ahead of me time wise are you?? Do you do daylight savings time where you are? Hopefully when you get home from getting your boys from homecoming you will be able to sit down & relax.
Hubby built me a rack to keep the sheets off my leg cause nothing can "touch" my leg so that leg doesnt really get too warm, even though it constantly has that "fire" feeling, but being in the sun too long makes it feel like a volcano has hit it.
Its supposed to be another cold night here---I would love for it to be around 70 all year long. lol lol With no rain & no humidity---that would be great. lol lol
Well thats all I know for now. Thanks again for your wise words.
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