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Old 09-13-2006, 11:15 PM
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For me, when my eyes get scratchy and uncomfortable, and very sensitive to light, I take a cod liver oil soft gel, or a vitamin A soft gel.

My eyes tend to be quite red, I'm not sure why. (My theory is that it's like my mum having really bad varicose veins... and pernicious anemia. I wonder sometimes if the swollen veins were from the enlarged blood cells. And then I wonder if my eyes have red veins in them because of how long my B12 deficiency was untreated. I don't know.

The cod liver oil makes my eyes feel better quite rapidly. It doesn't do anything about the redness. (nor do the drops that are advertised on telly.)

I saw a really interesting program on ... I forget which country in Africa ... where this village was having a lot of blindness ... young, old. Just a lot of it. I don't remember who it was that provided the help, but they provided vitamin A, and that made all the difference. I don't remember if people regained eyesight, or if the problem stopped happening but people who were already at an advanced stage remained about the same.

I think they said it helped "everyone" -- but I don't remember clearly enough to be sure.

I do know it has always helped me. (It helped me with my hayfever eyes, before I discovered that taking really a lot of mega B tablets got rid of my hayfever... the problem with taking vitamin A during hayfever season is that I was tempted to take a lot, and I did, (because it helped) but I got a sort of serious cracking thing inside my nose, which I suspect is probably an early sign of having too much.) It's one of the vitamins you are NOT supposed to take too much of.
Do you know the symptoms of low vitamin B12.... ?
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