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Old 10-26-2009, 12:42 PM
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Hi Linda,

I would suggest looking into neurofeedback. Just google it and you'll find loads of info on its use for brain injury rehabilitation. It basically teaches the brain to act normally again through conditioning. You could also look into hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Linda (Mom) in CT View Post
I live in CT and am looking for a well trained, skilled and experienced Homeopath or doctor specializing in PCS in my area.

My 15 year old daughter had a Traumatic Brain Injury in Jan 2008 and has not recovered. She hit the left back side of her head on the ice when sled riding. It is labeled as Post Concussion Syndrome. She gets a headache when she is exposed to loud noise, reading, concentrating, light changes or even physical activity. This headache is not very painful necessarily but it causes her to have to stop activity and rest. It makes her not be able to remember what she has studied or continue to study. She is unable to attend school. We have to keep her in quiet envirionments and modify all her activities. Otherwise, she suffers the consequences of the over exposure to her brain.

If she rests and the headache does not relent it can continue to get worse until she can only whisper, then not speak, tears run down her checks yet she is not crying and then her body begins to shake arms and legs like a seizure. She can answer by shaking her head but not speak. She can't squeeze your hand but a little pressure with her thumb. It lasts about 10 to 20 minutes. Afterward she is very tired and needs to sleep, she will easily get headaches and not be able to study for 3 to 5 days afterwards. She will have periods of blurred vision, dizziness or nausea.

Thank you for your suggestions.
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