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Old 11-05-2009, 08:47 PM
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PMCPMC PMCPMC is offline
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Originally Posted by AnnieB3 View Post
Hey, Patrick! Thanks for telling us your name.

First, way to go on losing weight and eating better. It's such a hard change. I did it back in 1997 and felt better too. I mean, changing my diet. The weight issue continues to be difficult due to inability to exercise much.

Before I comment on any of your drugs, know that I am NOT a medical professional. AND you should not make any changes to meds without speaking to the doctor who prescribed them!!! Very important, especially with Mestinon. Mestinon can make you better but too much can make your MG worse; making you weaker.

I'm a little concerned about some of your meds! Do you have one pharmacy for all of them? I'm surprised they haven't "red flagged" some of them.

Sleeping pills can be taken with MG but you have to be careful. They probably should've done a sleep study beforehand to make sure you don't have sleep apnea. If you do, sleeping pills could make you stop breathing! They can make breathing muscles even weaker.

Those "statin" drugs (cholesterol) can make MG worse, so be careful with that. I don't know the numbers you are using for your cholesterol - they are different here in the states. Do you know the normal range for cholesterol there?

Most asthma drugs are taken twice a day, like Advair or Flovent. And Mestinon can actually make asthma worse. It may be what started my asthma.

Do you take vitamin D too? If not, you should! D and calcium work together and many people are deficient in D.

Have you ever been tested for celiac disease? It's so rampant in Ireland and England - and in other Northern Europeans.

Has your neuro discussed going down on the amount of Pred you take at some point? Watch out for any signs of Pred-induced diabetes!

If you have an internist/primary doctor, you may want to list all these meds and go over them. One of the biggest causes of injury and death are drug interactions.

I would make one other comment about your diet. It's best to have carbohydrates with a protein, especially on Prednisone. Cheese is not a very good protein, not really. Nuts and seeds are better. I personally like almonds and pumpkins seeds. And since you are on an acid blocker, you may not digest nuts well enough. Nut butters may be easier to digest. Again, that's so great that you are making those changes. I felt better too.

It takes awhile to learn about MG. Here are a couple websites, though there are many others.

Thanks annie for your comments.
In the Uk consultants can only be seen onthe National Health service by hospital appointment .My first outpatient appointment is seventh of december.
AS I said earlier in another post I presented at accident and emergency with chrushing chest pain which he eventually missed the bulbas nature of my condition referring me to heart and lungs specialist for further work outside his field.
General pratitioner approved the mestinon change on the basis that my breathing deteriorated from four hours onward .
The consultant had sent me home from the hospital with mestinon every eight hours.
I have used the sleeping tablet not in continuous use but on an as used approach.
cholesterol level normal is below 5 which mine had been in May 2009 during a previous blood test
on the asthma side I believe from my experience so far this may be an earlier mis diagnosis from the GP .
The inhalers do not help my breathing when I have the two feet dancing on my chest pain but mestinon clears it up.
The food post was completed in a hurry and I omitted to say that cheese is an occasional luxury .
I also omitted to say that the evening meal would have multiple vegetables with it except potatoes which put weight on me.
In hospital and since I have now dropped all sweet foods like chocolate snacks etc.
Celiac disease I met an older man in hospital with this and he told me a choke about it.
One man to another said he was a celiac and the other replied I don't mind speaking to people with another religeous persuasion. I myself he said am a methodist.
Funy guy ,great singer very positive guy but now diagnosed with terminal cancer at 85 years of age.
I have always known gluton products do not agree with me and I put on weight when I eat them.
I don't miss it on my new regime.
Monkey nuts as I describe them are peanuts.
They are used for bulk and it working very well with no constipation which is what I had before I used them.
Initially I had been having some muscle cramps but the bananas stopped that I will post again about my vitamin regime which also has changed dramatically.
Still building the content day by day.
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