Grand Magnate
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 3,306
Grand Magnate
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 3,306
Patrick, Any symptom like pain in the back by the kidneys is NOT normal. Has anyone done a urinalysis on you? Don't mess with the kidneys. It can be an infection, kidney stones or lots of other things.
Jana, Do you go to the bathroom a lot only because you drink a lot of water? Polyuria (needing to go a lot) needs to be looked at if it's not from a LOT of water drinking. Is it you too who has a BP that goes up and down a lot? If so, that is a sign of dehydration (low BP) and then getting adequately hydrated (higher BP). Has anyone checked both a serum and urine osmolality on you? It shows how hydrated you are.
Any new symptom needs to be told to your primary doctor! Please.