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Old 01-13-2007, 03:06 AM
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Dear Fiberowendy,
Sometimes husbands ask questions like this because they feel powerless and want to help but have no idea what to do.
My husband paid a neighbor to wash and wax my car the other day while I was sleeping. He felt like a hero! And I let him ride that because it was a good deed and the car needed it and I was certainly never going to get around to getting it washed.

Is their something the hubby can do for you? Send him to buy something for you that he can't mess up? Ask him to rub your feet? ...Just a suggestion. And get a cleaning service. This is huge.

Regarding weight: my ex husband started walking with me. My current husband goes to yoga with me and is encouraging without being pushy about my going to the gym occcassionally.
Can he walk with you? Can you dance for 10 minutes in the living room?

Meanwhile, I have been begging hubby to stop buying sweets and bringing them home because I ended up eating more of them than I would otherwise. He is having a problem with this because he has his own sweet toothh demons to fight right now. We might have to commit to doing this together. But then, I don't want to give him any opportunity to be bosy about what I eat or don't eat. Right now he has to stay out of my business.

Give the bipolar dx more time. It took me four years to be stable enough to not be nuts. Most people don't need that much time. My pdoc and I (mostly I) took that much time figuring out that lithium was bad for my mixed moods.

A therapist can't help fix bipolar. All that they can do is help you deal with it better. That is my understanding for most cases anyway. Your husband might not understand the nature of therapy.

Maybe ask him to go to therapy. This was one of the smartest things I have ever done. In the years I have known him, hubby has gone to therapy short term with 3 different therapists (and gained different insight on his issues from each).

Fairly recently, my therapist asked me to bring my husband to a session for a specific issue. She thought that hubby did not fully understand the extent of my bipolar problems and the ways the he occassionally made them worse. Or more importantly, he didn't understand how little things from him can help (or hurt) my bipolar stuff. I didn't bring him in yet.
But I might in the future.
Can your husband go to a therapy session or pdoc session with you? He seems geniunely interested in your well being.

I was dx'd with CFIDS in 1992. I slept a lot. And I mean a lot. Stayed home alot. Started an easy yoga tape a few years later. Avoided all stressful siutations except some related to work. And off and on I take vitamins and supplements that I think help.
I hope you have a good dr. I had/have none.

Mostly, I have this stuborn (and perhaps unfounded) belief that I will recover. I know it. I hold on to that. I believe that I will so I keep up the fight needed to get through each day as I wait for the day that this will improve.

......Long answer.
I sort of get what you are going through. I hope you have more good days than bad and I hope that you reach wellness.

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