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Old 11-14-2009, 05:21 PM
rscowboy2005 rscowboy2005 is offline
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rscowboy2005 rscowboy2005 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 109
10 yr Member

[QUOTE=JoshuaY46012;589333]What are the medications you use to control your pain?

What medications work for you?

[U]Prescribed meds:[U]

*** I started out on neurontin 18 months ago. It was moderately helpful (meaning it gave me a 2 point pain reduction during the day). I was switched to nortryptiline (probably not the correct spelling). After completing the switch (a couple of weeks) I thought it was as helpful as neurontin, but then I began having panic attacks (which is not listed on the FDA-approved printout I received, but is listed on other side effects listings and, apparently, on the manufacturer's web site). Bad, bad, bad.

*** I finally was switched to Lyrica. Yikes! Do you know how expensive that is? I hope you have insurance because my monthly cost for it without insurance would be $450.00 (I take 300 mg a day). I think it also gives me about a 2 point reduction during the day.

*** My problems start around 4 or 5 p.m. Sometimes it is just a little bump and I don't need anything other than some medical marijuana (see the thread I'll be writing later today about that experience). I'll just say here that 90% of the time medical marijuana takes the pain down 2 or 3 points with about a 90 minute effectiveness duration.

*** At night I take Tylenol PM (2 or 3 tabs). If pain is higher I might take Vicodin (3 tablets). I kind of have to judge things starting at 8 p.m. because Vicodin takes 45 - 60 minutes to have an effect (and 25% of the time it has little effect). If I am taking vicodin I don't usually do the Tylenol (I don't want to go to high on the APAP daily limits, which I under stand equals 8 Tylenols. Each vicodin has the equivalent of 1 Tylenol, so if I did both, I'b be too close to that daily limit of 8. If I take vicodin later in the evening, I will take an Ambien to help with sleep (because vicodin acts as a stimulent with me -- go figure).


***Medical marijuana (see my other thread)

*** soaking in hot water with a cup of epsom salts

*** A good session of aqua-aerobics (I'll hobble out on the pool deck, each step painful; after the session my pain has dropped 2 or 3 points; sometimes long enough for me to get to sleep before it wears off).

*** Stretches and relaxation activities.

*** Spa Pedicure. Yes! A great 45 - 60 minutes: soak in hot water, get your nails attended-to and then a foot and lower leg massage. I'd do it every day if I could afford it.


Like others, I've learned to live with pain at the 2-3 level. I call that a great day. But when it starts creeping up, I have to pick and choose and sometimes don't get the right combination, times when I end up in a close-to-fetal position in bed with my feet madly massaging each other (do other of you do that?) and finally fall asleep.

One thing I did that was very helpful was take the pain management class offered by my provider (Kaiser). 16 hours of really good material and some group support from the other class members (which is really important because sometimes I feel so isolated when I'm with others who don't have to deal with pain).

Chin up. We have good days, we have bad days. But we can do things and learn from each other. Keep coming back.

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