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Old 11-17-2009, 01:16 AM
calson87 calson87 is offline
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calson87 calson87 is offline
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Confused Cerebrospinal fluid leak

hi there i have had multiple non severe concussions over teh past few years, im only 22 yrs old at the moment. The last major one that i can remember was back in june, although it wasnt a huge impact, it was enough to give me a new concussion as i have had many previous concussions. so anyway, since then, i have never really fully recovered. I had days where i felt completely normal, but mostly dealing with headaches or lack of concentration.

I more recently hit my head again, about 1 month ago, it was too hard, it made the symptoms more severe for a coupel days, but after that, it went back to the on and off symptoms im used to...

Now obviously... i am very careful with my head, ive learned it the hard way... since that incident a month ago, i havent hit my head once..

now heres the worrying part... last week, i began feeling more sevre symptoms... more severe headaches, sometimes dizzy, etc... i was just gonna deal with it, ive experienced symptoms coming back from no where tiem to time, so i just learnt to deal with it.. so it was this morning... i started having the top of my head started aching more than usual, and my mind seemed to have cleared up a bit, but i was more dizzy... and i suspect a Cerebrospinal fluid leak started today too... i have never had that worry before, as brain swelling and Cerebrospinal fluid leak seems to only occur in extreme cases. but since this morning, i have had this warm, satly liquid coming from the top-right of the back of my throat.... it was really bothering me, and the more severe dizziness, salty liquid have lasted the whole day, its approx 11pm right now.

I would have never thought i had a Cerebrospinal fluid leak until i did a search half an hour ago... people say that it tates salty, just plain salty, almost liek tears, but not as intense of a taste.

I was hoping some of you with experience can give some input into my situation. Is it possible to have your brain swell and have a Cerebrospinal fluid leak, a month well after the last head trauma? i mean, i dont even play sports now, no real physical activity that may have traumatized my brain, i sleep with pillows around my head.
And if this is possible, and i do have a leak, What are the steps i should take to treat this? will this damage my brain??

i really cant afford any more head trama or brain damage... im a 4th year engineering student.. its really tough when i had so much potential to do well in school, now everything is just going downhill...
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