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Old 11-18-2009, 08:43 PM
kathy d kathy d is offline
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kathy d kathy d is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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15 yr Member
Default I M Boiling!!!

Dear Stardustkid,
Oh, now I am boiling from listening to your treatment at PT today! What the heck is wrong with those people? I cannot believe he held your knee in the water to force you to do it. What an idiot. He is probably used to having people on pain medication and did not realize you are not on any meds. I think you should go in tomorrow and talk to the supervisor of the place and tell them you will not be able to tolerate it at all. Tell them to start out slowly like I did by using a towel which you can do at home and put it under your foot and pull and push it back and forth to move your foot without touching it. I also started with RSD in my right foot so I know your pain and just had to write to you. The PT guys kept telling me to do that water thing and then when my foot was hot they tried cold water and cold foot they tried hot water. It never worked for me and its been almost five years since then. I have full body now since four months after injury but you need to do what is right for you. I know it will hurt and maybe you can take Tylenol or something like that about a half hour before you go but it is the best thing to keep it moving. I know the pain is unbearable but try and push yourself but in your time not by them forcing your knee down. I also believe putting it (or should I say forcing it) in cold water can even make it worse. I know I read it somewhere and will look for it. I think it was on another web site. You need to speak to the boss and the pt person tomorrow before they even touch you. This is your body and not theirs. Give me a bit and I will see if I can find the article for you. If anyone else has it please paste it here.
Take care and hang in there,
kathy d

Originally Posted by stardustkid View Post
hello everyone,

I had my first session in PT today and it was a contrast bath. Just saying the words brings tears to my eyes. I have RSD in my right foot. I have a great team of Doctors, been getting nerve blocks, injections in the foot, and now PT but I must say, today was awful. Maybe I am just a baby? I feel so ashamed that I cried like I did but it hurt so badly putting my foot into cold water. My PT therapist kinda looked at me like I had three heads. Is it normal to hurt this bad? It took my breath away, He kept yelling at me to breath but I just couldn't. He gave me 5 seconds to put my whole foot in and I screamed out, I didn't mean to, it just came out. I couldn't keep it in for the full minute. He kept his hand over my knee the second time and held my foot there for the full minute and I wanted to die.

I am not on any pain meds, nothing has worked for me. I am now is so much pain after PT. I am at a loss, I have to go back tomorrow and do it again and the thoughts make me sick. He wants me to do this at home and I just don't think I can do it. Do they really help?? The pain is worth it?? I will do anything, even this if it really does help. Please , tell me this is worth it? Am what I am going through normal or is there something else going on?

Thank you for you help.

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