Originally Posted by olecyn
I dont know what part of the country you live but that treatment is uncalled for. However, saying that. Many of us are so drug dependant that the ER personnel thinks we are junkies. They should have called your PCP immediately. Especially if they are not hooked up computer wise or have your hx in their own system. I hope it is all cleared up now & for the future needs.
Your friend is a godsend. How many of us have non chronic pain friends who give that much support & understanding? You are very blessed in that department.
Hi firegirl,
I'm sorry you went thru that ???? So happy to have a caring friend that stood by you. Hard to imagine the policeman didn't check on you and lead the way! I think he superior needs a letter and a new policy written!!!
Take care- that's a good idea about saving med for 'rainey day-
I'm sorry for your experience. loretta with soft hugs