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Old 11-21-2009, 06:29 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Originally Posted by Llonghair View Post
I have some questions about vitamins and anxiety drugs for children with Asperger’s.

My neighbor went thru a difficult divorce over a year ago and moved out of her home. Her daughter at the time was 17 years old. She always had an IEP. She also always had a difficult time in school. Now that she has graduated, her mom feels she may have undx Asperger’s. When trying to get her into a govt work program, the county felt she probably had Asperger’s also. They have no insurance on the daughter.

Last fall her family doctor dx her with depression and put her on Prozac. She has gotten worse with this med. She has left home twice this summer but not gone very far…this is a small community.

The first time I was able to get her to come to my house and she stayed for about 3 weeks. I did get her to my docs who did a complete blood work before the insurance lapsed.

Some symptoms she displays now while on and off Prozac (she is not religiously taking this)
  • Leaving home suddenly for no reason (at my house we were laughing and watching a movie…she left saying she was going upstairs…15 minutes later she was downtown texting she wasn’t coming home tonight)
  • A few days ago from her mom’s house she left early in the morning saying she was meant to live on the streets. A friend brought her home by afternoon.
  • Staring into space for a few minutes happens often
  • Doesn’t flush toilet even when we left notes on mirror
  • Can not seem to pass the driving part of the test but has passed the maneuverability part of the test
  • Without cause would suddenly want to leave and go for a walk even late at night
  • Moods would be fine if I was taking her places and interacting one on one but once home and she had time alone she could change instantly to not acknowledging anyone in the house
  • Mother describes her as rude and no manners…I guess maybe very self-centered
  • We have a great walking towpath on our canal and she loves to take hours long walks everyday.
  • I also remember as a child she was very shy but when she would play with her younger brother she was extremely loud with yelling and laughter…I could hear her in my house with windows closed…at the time I thought it was odd and not a typical child’s laughter.
I am sure there is more but these are some of the things I noticed.

Having Celiac, I always think gluten sensitivity first so did have her checked.
Sadly my doc couldn’t get the gliadins done but did do the
  • TTG IgA which was 6 (>20pos). Her Dad has terrible IBS and Grandmother terrible RA.
  • Ferritin was low 14 (R 22-322)
  • Iron high normal 148 (R 50-178)
  • Folate low Norm 10.5 (R >5.38)
  • B12 low Norm 638 (211-911)
  • D BILI High 0.3 (0-0.2)
  • Vitamin D 52 done by quest so it is 40 (R 20-100)
  • Lymph% low 18% (19-48%)
  • Calcium high normal 10.1 (8.7-10.4)
While she was here I had her eating all gluten free except when she would eat out at friends or family and taking some vitamins but when she left she quit doing so. Her mom called today and asked me to find her some help and advice. She has no money and is not getting any child support from her husband.

1. So I was wondering what drugs would be good for treating anxiety. I know my doc would prescribe since he saw her in August.
2. It is hard to get her to take meds so what would be the most important vitamin. I am thinking the omega 3 and her D3 needs to be higher and B12
3. I also wonder if her father could have extended his teacher insurance to cover this special needs child???? He has Med Mutual

I know we are not doctors but right now this advice is all she has. Thanks for anything you can think of.

Hi. I accidently stumbled across your post. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in trying to understand Aspergers disorder. My son was diagnosed at age 20. He graduated college on a full scholarship, told us he was going to game design school in Arizona, got on a plane to scope it out (making all reservations, completely on his own and did just fine for 2 weeks. Never thought a 20 year old could just get on a plane and find a roomate, get an apartment, get flight insurance, BE COMPLETELY SELF SUFFICIENT, but yes indeed, this was the case. He came home, told us he was moving out in 3 months and he did so. That was 8 years ago. He started gambling and that was the end of our relationship.

To say that we have NO relationship is putting it mildly. I read the symptoms of the girl you mentioned. I can identify with some of the behavior but no loud talking, (I've been in an aspergers support group meeting with 50 men with aspergers), so I know what the loud talking is all about. My son displayed NONE OF THAT. He was first diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, then one psychiatrist felt he had aspergers, and he got on SSI. Been on it ever since. He does absolutely nothing with his life and only cares about himself. I have no idea if he takes vitamins but I do know he's been on various anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants and they did absolutely nothing in his case.

You have my sympathy. At least you are trying to help this young woman.

The one thing I can tell you about diagnosing Aspergers is this. One of the criteria is that they had to have had normal speech pathology. What I mean is they can't have had delayed speech. I have read this over and over. The one thing that all the experts feel is that this criteria has to be met for the person to be diagnosed with Aspergers, and not, for example High Functining Autism, or PDD.NOS.

Kind of confusing, this I know.

So I do wish you best of luck. You seem to be a very caring person.

Take care, Melody



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