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Old 11-24-2009, 02:10 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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Default P.R.I.S.M.- Progressive Recurrant Illness & Soul Making

This thread is for those who wish to explore the more trans personal aspects of the Wounded Healer archetype, and the Soul making process.

[B]Michael Mead writes.. "Despite the chaos of the times, the soul longs for a life fully lived,...including accepting the limits of ones faith as well as finding the threads of ones destiny.. each soul is imbued and broadened with an inner story that tries to live its way into the world....The uniqueness within individuals becomes the source of unifying imagination and meaningful change....Spirit may offer "peak experiences", but soul would lead us down, past the"bottom line", into the real depths of life. Soul makes us deeper in order to make us wiser. Secretly our souls seek wisdom and wisdom is a darker knowledge found in dark places and in hard times."

I would love to start an ongoing discussion of the unique qualities of wisdom gained from our dark places/ wounds, the life fully lived, despite suffering, the light found in our dark times. This thread can offer a place to focus on the timeless qualities destiny introduces. Rather than how the illness manifests in opposition to our personal view of how our life should look. This paradox is rich with meaning for Soul, on the personal and collective levels.

I look forward to introductions to how others share their 'mythic journeys' within their own soul making process. To get the ball rolling... for fun and soul-fully serious at the same time...

What is your soul journey like? Have you been able to see yourself in the role of mythic hero on this path? If you could imagine this role and inhabit it with awareness, can you describe fully who would it be? How would relating to the illness change for you if you identified with this image? What would change in your significant relationships?

Hope others are as interested and will enjoy sharing! Thanks! Tinglytoes

Last edited by tinglytoes; 11-24-2009 at 02:26 PM.
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