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Old 12-07-2009, 04:08 PM
bluesky bluesky is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
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15 yr Member
bluesky bluesky is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 173
15 yr Member


I'm so happy for you. You seem full of hope and that's so great!!!

Not at all in any way to rain on your parade but I just wanted to mention a couple of things. First, Mayo. I think you'll be well treated at Mayo because you already have a diagnosis of mg. I just wanted to let you know that you have to be careful to see someone who really, truly specializes in your medical problems. My experience with Mayo was that they hate to diagnosis. The very first day I got there they told me to go home. I was devasted! I ended up begging them for a week to look into various things.

The other thing was that, at that point, I was pretty convinced that I had mg and I had to beg for a week for them to give me the tests. I thought they had agreed to send me for a sfemg but when I got there it was just an emg and nct. Afterward, I brought this up with the neurologist who absolutely insisted that sfemg was not the best test for mg. He also absolutely insisted that I was being ridiculous and didn't have mg. They very grudgingly ran the blood tests. The very last day there, feeling extremely upset because I couldn't get any help and so having no hope in the future, I went to see the doctor I had been assigned as a sort of directing md. He also had insisted that I didn't have mg. When I went in to see him he surprised me by saying the neurologists wanted to see me one more time. I asked him, did any of the tests come back positive for anything? He said no. That afternoon I went to see the neurologist and he casually, halfway through the appointment, mentioned that I had tested positive for the AchR antibodies - twice. I literally jumped up out of my chair and ran over to his computer to see the results. I was practically crying because after 7 years this was the first positive result that I had ever gotten. But he told me that since the titer was low, albeit positive, that I didn't have mg. I was sure that was wrong because I had done so much research. When I went home I verified with the mgf that titer is not correlated with symptoms but in the meantime I thought I was going to go crazy!

Anyway, it was a devastating experience and one that cost me $6000 which I could ill afford to spend. Nonetheless, Mayo is supposed to have one of the best mg facilities (at least in Rochester) in the country. I think I just ended up with a neurologist who wasn't familiar with the disease, but in usual neurologist fashion was too confident in his own knowledge to take the time to verify the facts. So my point is, be careful. Insist on seeing the mg specialists and the specialists for whatever else you may be concerned about. And don't let the Mayo name intimidate you or give you a sense of enormous confidence in them. They're just like all other doctors in that you need to listen, of course, but then check, check, check, research and check what they tell you.

Okay, now the scooter. :^) I once rented a scooter at the zoo to take my kids and some neighborhood kids on a zoo outing. I couldn't have done it otherwise and everyone was so excited for the trip! Anyway, while I was there I was okay but as I was driving home I felt myself crash really badly. I then had one of the worst mg episodes ever. I lay in bed for three days sick as a dog. I even had to tell my kids not to come into the same room with me because I felt like just talking would send me over the edge. I think it was because I had to move my arms continuously to control the steering. I've read on another site of other mg people who also had trouble with scooters for the same reason. Too bad because scooters seem like a fantastic way to get around!! I have been dreaming about getting a power chair instead. I've even thought about selling some jewelry to get one. It's just a suggestion but I wonder if you could rent or borrow a scooter and then a power chair from your local provider to try out before you buy one or your insurance pays for it. There are so many different kinds and you want to be as comfy as possible.

Anyway, I hope I haven't put a damper on your hopeful, cheerful self. I think it's great that you're getting more help and other doctors will be looking over your issues. And I'm so glad you're going to take your hubby along and have a second honeymoon! That's so awesome!!!!

By the way, I have to say this about the Mayo: it's the most amazing, best run, best managed organization I have ever seen. It is truly a stunning accomplishment of mankind. If you need a test done, bam, you're scheduled with 24 hours, often within 1/2 hour. Everything is immediately reported to your doctor and you will be quickly scheduled to see him or her to discuss results and the next step. One doc will call another for consultation and get called back immediately. You will be given a continuously updated schedule with complete instructions and every single person in the entire organization will happily answer any questions, correctly, about where to go or what to do. If you have any other questions they will immediately pick up the phone and find out the answer.

I hope they can figure this all out!!!! I think they will, I do!

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