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Old 12-21-2009, 06:52 AM
pabb pabb is offline
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pabb pabb is offline
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Originally Posted by Jerky_Chris View Post
Hi everyone-

I'm a former HS History teacher....60 yrs old. My main problem...lately, have been these strange "Pre-sleep"......body movements-

My "issues".....have time.."pre sleep"...(as my neuro calls them)--"Hypnic jerks"----An...leg...finger.....shoulder....trunk...jaw snapping shut.! And...sometimes...feels like "brain zaps"---! Only neuro med I'm on is Valium....(like 7.5 mg...before bedtime)

I have had 2 brain MRIs.....within last 3 yrs...both "normal"not need one---

He did call me.....& wants me to get an EEG.....from an Epilepsy specialist! (to "rule out"...."Partial complex seizure")
I have it for this Tues AM.,.....THEN....will see the specialist afterward!

My neuro( Who specializes in .."movement disorders")-----says...I do not have epilepsy or any neuro issue--(She has tested me extensively)--& feels it is all due to stress!

Anyway---last nite....I got up at 4 go to the bathroom.....& could not get back to sleep! left shoulder started to go into a.."myoclonic".....twitch! Jerking..up...& back--! (I've had "twitchy muscles'....since high school) I should have taken a bit more it DOES help!

This made me more nervous! It went away...after 3 or 4 minutes! But--I still felt some muscle twitching on my left rib cage...for another 10-12 mins!
this is...."DIFFERENT"....from the..."hypnic jerks"-! (and is NOT that .."falling feeling"-)

This stuff ONLY seems to happen...when I feel..."wired"...or hyper!

Also---I noticed...when I was about to dose off....I feel ., times.....a "snort" my me palate..uvula or tongue is vibrating!

I told my Neuro Dr--I'm worried I have some..."strange.....undiagnosed...neuro-muscular disease"--! She ASSURED me...I do not ! (NO epilepsy...or ALS.....or Parkinsons)---I have even talked w a psychiatrist! He feels it is nothing serious! (I have chronic conditions....Mitral valve prolapse....SVT....irritable bowel syndomre...Esophageal spasm.....acute verigo......that's when i take the antihistimne...."Antivert"'...that really puts me to sleep!)
I ask you dear people on the site.....for some advice!
#1) WHERE...could I post this to get the best & most replies?

#2) Does this sound familiar to any of you out there? If so--please share...& help alleviate my fears!

Thank you all so very much! I'm so lucky to have found this site! I need...all the....'advice'...'counsel'.....& just plain reassurance only others who have HAD...similar symptoms have! Sometimes....I feel the Drs....think,.....I'm a bit....."nutty"...LOL (Well..I'm a writer...& we writers are supposed to be...'quirky')

Remember---I ..ONLY get these symptoms...when..I'm feeling .."wired"--!

A few times I had to take anm antihistimine for my ear problem...& it makes me SO.....sleepy..I zonk out--& NEVER have this problem!

Again...hoping to hear- can be such a help to me--ALSO---will the "epilepsy specialist" able to see any epilepsy on my EEG...even if I'm not having any ..."myoclonic"...movements?
kindest regards--Chris
the highlighted items would cause me to question celiac disease/gluten intolerance....the twitching/wired feeling also would cause me to question a low magnesium level. celiac testing will not tell you if you are gluten sensitive nonceliac. typical blood tests do not include a magnesium level. good luck.
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