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Old 12-26-2009, 12:00 PM
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tinglytoes tinglytoes is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by Jerky_Chris View Post
Hello everyone here-at NeuroTalk--& Merry Christmas...Happy holidays & a happy, healthy New all-!

Some of you may recognize me from my newer posts--as I am new here & this is a wondefrul site!
Let me begin by saying last week....I saw four..that's right....FOUR!....Specialists!

My first specialist-
-1)-A...pulmonary specialist----after getting over a case of the flu(Late Oct)---I had a terrible cough from late October..till just 2 days ago (Dec 23)---& it stopped! My pulmonary spec...gave me the PFT....(Spirometery.....diffusion.....AND the "methacholine challenge" rule out "Cough variant Asthma"-!
I passed all w flying colors!

2) Saw my regular cardiologist. this week-.(I see every 6 months)---for my irregular heartbeats. Last year....I had a stress...EKG.....w isotope. This week.....had an echocardiogram-!
I passed all w flying colors ! (Are you with me)?

3) Last yr......had TWO..."sleep studies" done to rule out any apneas...& for me "pre-sleep jerks"- & "Strange breathing"...episodes!
I passed all--NO apneas......just some 'periodic limb movement"-

4) Also saw my E/N/T......for me GERD,.(and esophageal spasm)........under control...w protonix...& Zegerid!
I MENTION anyone responds----these things HAVE been ruled out-!

-All I have been dx with is,,,,.."Mild Mitral Valve prolapse" (episodes of SVT) --IBS --Esophageal spasm
Middle ear problem..( Rarely- "positional vertgo)-)
OK--HERE is the ..."biggie"-! For the last 3 or 4 years...(they come & go)-----I get hese ..strange.."Pre-sleep" symptoms! (again....NOT all the time)
Before falling off to sleep......I get the "myoclonic arm...leg...trunk...finger...etc---

**(THESE are the two "biggies")---- THEN....sometimes...feels like "breathing"...area..(like my diaphram)---is paralyzed!
It only happens for a split second..(When about to fall off to sleep...USUALLY when lying on my back!)-- .then...I'll take a deep breath...& I'm OK----(this is NOT..."hyperventilation".....i KNOW what that is! )-
This is...AGAIN...feeling diaphram....has stopped! (I'm thinking maybe w stress.....I breathe too.. shallowly!--It is Sooo...scary-! )

**ALSO---As I go into beginning stages of sleep,.....sometimes I feel...a very mild.."Electric shock" my legs...trunk...& often in my HEAD! (Again...just split second--& ALL goes away...once asleep!---Same kind people 'weaning off SSRIs..get!...and NO.....I am NOT weaning off effexor or any...SSRI...!--so...THAT is not the cause!)

NOW.....I calleed my sleep Dr...2 weeks ago----He called me & had me call......a NEUROLOGIST..& "epilepsy specialist"-!(to 'rule out' "Partial Complex Seizures"..IF some recall my earlier post! My dear "Neuro Talk"-friends--this Neurologist/Epilistic spec (in Philly)---is one of the his field! Lectures,....around the world...has over 300 articles published on peer Medical journals..& has taught at some of the best Medical schools!
I was lucky get to see him...TUES..(Dec-22)---as I am going away..(to California..this Tues...Dec 29)

I had to be there for a 7 AM.......EEG....----! (I was the first patient)---which lasted for over half hr--
The tech....had my close my them....blink.........hyperventilate...lie back..
relax...ALL the time...recording my brain waves! THEN...the various strobe lights.....musta been..8 or 9.....w my eyes closed---then--opened! I "went thru the mill"---Test was over.....8 AM...I waited...till...9 see this...."excellent"...& reknowned neuro Dr..& epilepsy specialist!

We talked....& he listened to me...beautifully! Not only a great Dr--but a terrific guy! He really listened to everything I had to say...& showed real care & compassion! (I even wrote him an e-mail--Thanking him for his kind...caring treatment!---He thanked me!)-

He gave me a basic.."neuro"---looked into my eyes...checked reflexes...& other stuff..THEN....he read my EEG..(after one of his it)---TOTALLY...NORMAL! No signs of any.."spikes"...on my EEG...or ANY sighns ..of epilepsy!
And...HERE is where this Dr.....was really exceptionall--! He listened well......then explained..I had "pre-sleep myoclonus"...very common!-----BUT...I was still BAFFLED my "Mild electric shocks"...& the breathing thing!

He felt the "breathing thing"...was..."stress related" the mild shocks his answer was frank and honest- He said--

*-"Chris.....with THAT......we really do not know! Things often happen for which there is no explanation! Suffice to is NOT...indicative of any serious neurological problems!"--(END quote)-!

An honest....straight forward answer!

I should add.....I take Valium.....each before bedtime..(like 7.5 mg)---!

Now...The ONLY thing that really............ .........."ZONKS" out.......WITHOUT me experiencing...ANY of these a simple "antihistamine"...I take for my ear problem...(Vertigo)----& that is..."Antivert"...(meclizine)---a simple..."antihistimine"--!

I could break a 25 half.....( & take .. the bigger half...say...17-19 mg)--at 5:30 PM..before dinner---eat 6:15 PM...(so.....I wait till it .."kicks in")----& by....9:30 PM...or 10 PM......I am Sooo....groogy...(then.I take my Valium)...That I go .."out like a light"--! I mean..I go right out...NO hypnic jerks...NO ..."strange respiratory feelings--(Imagine if I took the entire 25 mg tablet?-----------and I sleep thru the night-! (Benadryl does not pack this.."wallop"...for me)---So....lately been taking that--For ME.....Antivert...(Meclizine)-- is a SAVIOR!

Now.....with ALL I've written..(a veritable.."epistle...AND I have done so for a reason---to show how much I've been tested & what already has been..."Ruled OUT"-!")----I kindly ask---

Has ANYONE here..(or more)--- EVER expierienced....

1) These strange "Mild body shocks"...before sleep---? AGAIN,....NOT related to weaning off ANY ...SSRI--! ( does NOT help me to write.."I felt that when weanbing off Effexor!"--)-
BUT--IF you do Please---DO share it with me! AND......

2) What about...this feeling of my breathing.....(Again...Have been to heart is fine......I'm NOT suffering from "congestive heart failure")----AND Pulmonary spec---all my Pulmonary Function Teat results were "normal"-!

I should add..ONLY meds..I'm...on...are
1) Valium(7-10 anxiety-(Amt varies.....according to how I feel!)
2) Protonix.40mg.for GERD-twice/day
3)Lipitor...10 mg/once day-
4) Tenormin 25mg/once day

Also--take vitamins,(good multi),,....sublingual B-12 --Magnesium (800 mg/day)---Omega-3 Fish oils....B Complex...E(200 iu/day) Vitamin C....Baby aspirin,...81 mg...& Garlic tabs--

I am very health conscious...62 yr old male...5'9"...161 lbs....!

OK...Please---someone....or more--get back---! I feel I am these "electric shock'...AND..."strange breathing". episodes..!

Again..Please__i humbly implore you----When you write---What has been "ruled out"...& things it is....NOT!

it is NOT GERD......NOT reflux ...NOT 'post nasal drip"-! I'm NOT "weaning off"...any meds---NOT "gas"..(You'd be surpised at some answers I've gotten from friends! I've stopped asking!)-
NOT.any kind of apnea (Been tested)--!
(See above ALL my diagnostic tests!)----Sooo...PLEASE....If you have anything like this---please---by all means..."share"...w me! Again..I feel sooo.."alone"...&
COULD this be.......................ANXIETY....related? (BOTH.....the "electric shocks AND the.."breathing" )

Thanks so much! I AM...looking forward to a few helpful...responses! Regards..& Happy holidays-! I DO hope to hear from some of you--with some "clear"..."Possible"...ideas! My wife...(& some others)---always say..."Stress can do a lot of things!---I just do NOT want it to be anything serious!----------BUT---as you know....when even ONE....other person...can ..share"....a similar can do so much! Bless you all....& again...a very Happy Holiday...& a Happy...HEALTHY New Year!--regards--Chris
Hi Chris, well done letter describing every possible test most "helpful advice" could possibly cover! It does tend to get aggravating when others offer and can't know the extent of what you have clearly educated yourself on and investigated already. The list is extensive and leaves little to the imagination for sure. I accepted you as friend status so we can private message. There is one sorta "far -out" possibility which I have experienced similar to what you have described. Please send a message and I will share my little tid-bit in the hopes it might help. If this is the case you might not feel so alone. I hear you and it is totally worth the quest to be witnessed with clarity and compassion. This is the place, sooner or later your plea will be answered. Best Wishes TT
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