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Old 12-31-2009, 10:15 AM
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Hi Linda,

Well, actually the HBOT treatment could have been working for your daughter. You mentioned in a previous post that it made her less tired at the end of the day. If she is less tired, that means her brain might have begun operating more efficiently and therefore, used less energy. However, it is hard to tell with so few sessions. The standard protocol for HBOT is 40 sessions, break, then 40 more sessions. Some even report it takes around 200 sessions to see any improvement.

This could have also been the case with the neurofeedback you did. Although an anwanted side effect, headaches are actually a good sign because that means that novel blood perfusion could be taking place which would cause the headaches. But again, it is hard to tell if she only did 4 sessions.

Dr. Walker is one of the best in the country when it comes to neurofeedback for head injuries. The nice thing about him is that he is also a neurologist, so he has a deeper understanding of the brain than most psychologists do.
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