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Old 02-21-2010, 05:58 PM
loretta loretta is offline
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loretta loretta is offline
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Originally Posted by WellLovedMom View Post
I just need to whine a little in a safe place, and maybe someone may have some feedback or suggestion (or feel like adding a bit 'whine themselves). I've had RSD (now renamed CRPS, which drives me nuts, as "newbie" nurses & docs give me that "I have no idea what RSD is" look until I remember to try and spit out the updated name. For those of us who live with brain fog, that is a LOT to ask!!!) I've been around the block with this lovely condition, being bedridden for several years, finally going through the "chronic pain program" who put me on Oramorph (after years of other meds that made me horribly sick to my tummy), then about 4 years after going ON the meds my RSD spread and I started the nerve blocks, and the docs insisted that I HAD to go off of pain medication, and "learn to live with the pain" if I wanted to continue to receive treatment of the pain blocks (I'd cut the meds DOWN with the blocks, but the pain was on a upwards swing). Needless to say, I became VERY depressed and frustrated, as many here have been to the pain level of a chronic 10 and being told that you need to just get more active, and stop the pain meds really ticked me off. Anyway, I told them to keep their @&*#^ pain blocks, and kept on the pain meds, living in misery.

WAIT! It gets worse!!! I developed Meniere's disease, am inner-ear condition that causes horrid, indescribable bouts of vertigo, where you spend hours to days laying on the floor next to the toilet, vomiting from unbearable nausea. This went on undiagnosed for FOUR years. Anyway, eventually, I was diagnosed, and I made the decision to go COLD TURKEY from the Oramorph, and warned the family then spent a couple of miserable weeks in my room (after RSD and the Meniere's, I was ready for dealing with bit of drug withdrawal). It wasn't fun, but I got through it, and started to use the "mind over body" tuning out the pain signals.

I actually got pretty good at it, and was able to push pain signals out of my mind, (with the help of Lyrica). I have NEVER been pain free, but I was doing pretty good. I even started walking up to 3-3 1/2 miles 3-5 days per week, and lost 75 pounds (down to a size 16 from a 24).

This past summer, the pain started screaming louder and louder, and I'm not sure what to do. I did start back with the spinal block, and the first one helped, but the second one only lasted 1 day. I often don't even realize that I'm in pain until I notice that I've become extremely irritable, and I've been dealing with "mystery" insomnia that I finally realized is that my pain level is so bad that I'm tossing and turning, kicking moaning, (and awake). I realize most people would have noticed their pain creeping up, but I was given a nasty lecture from the Kaiser Chronic Pain group "what else do you want us to do? You're on meds, and there is nothing else available to help" so I learned that tuning pain out was the ONLY way to survive and stay sane.

I've been mostly bedridden for a few months now. The nausea alone from the pain is tough. A few weeks ago, I pulled out an old bottle of Oramorph, only to find that it isn't helping, and I'm now dealing with the chronic pain AND med side effects. I also have degenerative arthritis in the knee, and I'm wondering if the deep aching/throbbing horrid pain when I stand on my leg are the RSD, or the arthritis.

Thanks for anyone who is listening, and any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi WellLovedMom,
You have reason to share your pain. We understand and are here for you. I was just thinking maybe the Oramorph was 'out of date' Some meds loose their strength when they are 'out of date' Just thought you might check the bottle.
I've had RSD for 15 years, along with fibro. Trigeminal Neuralgia & PTSD
Besides full body for the last 6 years, it is internal and now I'm in the process of having sleep apnea checked out. I, personally, find so much comfort and kindess here on Neurotalk. Please stay with us and we will do our best to support you. There are so many knowledgable friend here, and they are so willing to share their knowledge with us.
I used to be involved in sports, so I enjoy watching the major tennis matches, the olympics, both summer and winter. I've never ice skated, but that is my favorite. My daughter and I used to play tennis about 5 days a week and enjoyed going to some tournaments, so watching brings back some good memories. I always feel good watching sports rather than sorry for my condition of RSD. I do feel bad about my weight gain so it motivates me to keep and reach my goal.
Music is also something that lifts me up. When I get out of the house, its
such a good feeling. I do have a window of time in the afternoon that I'm able to drive. My Dr. gave me the number of hours I need to wait after taking certain meds.
I also have a home based business of marketing dark healthy chocolate-with a cold pressed patent. I enjoy that with no pressure of appointments etc. I have a laptop and printer by my bed.
Scented candles and natural essence oils I enjoy. A friend bought me a machine that dispenses natural oils in the air. Lavender is my favorite- a calming effect. Another friend bought me a wax machine to brush on my hands and feet. It's theraputic and easy to use.
Epsom Salt Bathes are something many on here enjoy. I enjoy reading, and have done a lot of personal growth work. After my parents died, i did over 2 years of counseling, which has helped me when I got RSD following surgery. The last 6 years I've been seeing a psychiatrist once a month. He is also a neurologist familiar with RSD and a pharmacologist. A few months ago he put me on a 200 person trial study for a med for fibro that also had a side effect of a sleeping pill. I was having a terrible time at night sleeping, but am now sleeping 10 hours at night. The restorative sleep has lessened my pain. Was able to go down on pain meds.
I've been in a rollercoaster of up and down pain. It seems like we are going to have that with weather changes and personal stresses. It sounds like you have had this for a long time. May I ask how you got RSD? Like I mentioned, mine followed surgery with a frozen shoulder, but didn't get diagnosed for 4 years. Our only child, a daughter, was 15 at the time. I did have 2 remissions--of course I didn't know they were remissions-I just thought all the pt and massage therapy fixed my shoulder. It took 100 of each. And then the therapist told me it might go to the other shoulder. And after a year of good health, it did move to the other shoulder.
Hope something we all have said can be of some physical and emotional comfort!!!!! One of your new friends, loretta with big soft hugs
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