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Old 01-24-2007, 03:00 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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I thought I did share the blood results with you.

Didn't I post some time ago, when I said "Alan's bloodwork came back".
So far, that's the only stuff I have. Now yesterday, he went for more stuff, like I said. They took blood for QUANTITIVE IMMUNGLOBULINS, SPEP,IFE, and other things (I can't read her handwriting). Maybe one of them was vasculitic autoimunne markers. I have no idea. Do any of these tests have anything to do with auto-immune stuff?

Alan had these blood tests at the end of December. Here are the results again. Dr. Goldfarb ordered these tests. We had gone in and I showed her Liza Jane's Charts and she looked at them and said "oh I know all about these kind of tests, see??? I have my own PN specific tests that I'm ordering so don't worry, I am going to be very thorough!!!".

So here again, is the results of the tests he took in December.

Glucose Tolerance One Hour test - 137 Reference is 70-200

His regular blood test page (the one with CBC and TSH and T4. Free, T3, Total Ferritin, the whole page was fine. Nothing kicked out as abnormal.

His Cryoglobulen,QL W?Rx Cryoglobuin, QL - Negative


His TIBC was 221 Reference is 250 – 400

FOLATE, SERUM ……15.7 Reference Range >5 .4 ng/mL

PSA, TOTAL …….2.16

ANTI-NUCLEAR AB ……………Negative

TISSUE TRANSGLUTAM AB IGA…..<3 Reference Range <5 U/mL
Interpretation : Negative (I gather this means no celiac disease)

MYELOPEROXIDASE AB <6 Reference Range <6 U/mL
Interpretation: Negative

PROTEINASE – 3 AB <6 Reference Range <6 U/mL
Interpretation: Negative

SS-A AB <or=1.00 Reference Range <or=1.00 INDEX
Interpretation Negative Negative
Antibodies to SSA (RO) and SSB (LA) are
Observed with the highest frequency in
Sjogren’s syndrome, although these
Antibodies are also found in a significant
Percentage of patients with SLE.

SS-B AB … .<or=1.00 Reference Range <or=1.00 INDEX
Interpretation - negative Negative

Antibodies to SSA (RO) and SSB (LA) are
Observed with the highest frequency in
Sjogren’s syndrome, although these
Antibodies are also found in a significant
Percentage of patients with SLE.

RHEUMATOID FACTOR <7 Reference Range <14 IU/mL
(Dr said that he does not have Rheumatoid Arthritis)

C-REACTIVE PROTEIN 2.3 H Ref Range <0.8 mg/dL

RPR SCREEN - Nonreactive


18 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive
23 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive
28 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive
30 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive
39 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive
41 KD (IGG) BAND Reactive
45 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive
58 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive
66 KD (IGG) BAND Reactive
93 KD (IGG) BAND Nonreactive

IgG Western Blots which have 5 (or more) of the 10
Significant bands are considered positive for specific
Antibody to B. burgdorferi. (Proceedings of the 2nd Conf. On
Lyme Disease, Dearborn, MI 1994.)


23 KD (IGM) BAND Nonreactive
39 KD (IGM) BAND Nonreactive
41 KD (IGM) BAND Nonreactive

IgM Western Blots which have 2 (or more) of the 3
Significant bands re considered positive for specific
Antibody to B. burgdorferi. (Proceeding of the 2nd Conf. On
Lyme Disease, Dearborn MI. 1994.)

DNA (DS) ABS <30 Negative

PM – SCL AB see note Negative
This test is delayed because reagents re unavailable from the manufacturer.
Results are expected by 12-28-06. This test was developed and its performance
Characteristics determined by Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute. It has not
Been cleared or approved by the U.S. FOOD AND DRUG Administration. The
FDA has determined that such clearance or approval is not necessary.
Performance characteristics refer to the analytical performance of the test.

Test performed by:
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
33608 Ortega Highway
San Juan Capistrano, California 92690

End of Report

Now today, I got the last test that was not included in this one, the PM – SCL AB. I got Quest Diagnostic to fax it to Dr. Fred's office and they just told me it was negative.

SO NOW, we have to wait for the results of the blood tests he took yesterday. Now I have no idea if these are more auto-immune or whateve they are but when I spoke to Dr. Goldfarb a few days ago, that's when she said "Melody, I want Alan to get a lumbar puncture, that will tell me a great deal.". So who am I to tell her "no, he's not getting a lumbar puncture, especially if they can do it while he's having his foot surgery (we find out more about this on Thursday).

And don't be concerned one bit about invading my privacy or me not letting you guys in on any test results. As soon as I get test results, I post them here immediately. I've always done that.

See how I titled this thread. I had just gotten the emg results.
I rely on you guys a lot for your wisdom and knowledge.

Is there any more tests that she is supposed to order for him. I gave her the Liza Jane charts and she seemed to understand and she had her own charts and she is a PN specialist. Honestly, I don't know what else to do.

I mean Dr. Goldfarb seems to know what she's doing. I guess she's being as thorough as she can and I think she ordering the blood tests that she knows his insurance will pay for. Anything else, well, we can't afford anything else.

And I'm not worried about any ivig because I found out in an e-mail that his insurance will pay for it.

I'm the kind of person, who, if you have a problem or need to know something, just call me up and I'll get you an answer in 30 seconds from the internet or from a phone call. It's just the way I am.

I'll give you an example. My siser in law loves Dreamgirls. and she loves the way Bianca Ryan sang the song "And I'm telling you I'm not going" . This 11 year old won the one million dollar prize from the America's Got Talent tv show.

BUT.... my sister in law never saw Jennifer Holiday sing it on broadway and that was in 1980. I simply went to, found Jennifer Holiday singing it on stage, e-mailed it to my sister in law (took me all of 30 seconds to do this) and she was the happiest sister-in law you ever saw.

I also emailed her videos of her favorites from the Phantom of the Opera, etc. She never knew you can go to and see absolutely anything that was on a musical stage, on a tv show, absolutely anything. She went nuts. She is now watching everything she never saw and it's all on the internet.

So to me research is what I do and to me it's no energy whatsoever. It keeps me from thinking about my son and I'm just better for it

So feel free to ask me any questions about anything. I'm not a private person. You can't have my kind of personality and be a private person. I'm an open book.

So if you think I should ask Dr. Goldfarb if there are more tests, well I'll just run that by her. But I don't want to make a pest out of self with this doctor. She's the most thorough Doctor we've had so far as far as PN goes.

So as soon as I get the results from yesterday's QUANTITIVE IMMUNGLOBULINS, SPEP,IFE, I shall update everybody.

But until then, if you want to find anything about any tv show, movie, or musical just private message me and you'll have it in 30 seconds, guaranteed.




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