While some beers may contain more B-vits than others, beer does not really have what you think--
This is a nutrition website that gives the content of 1 oz of beer:
Doesn't look spectacular to me.
The quote in JDPhD's post comes from here:
VITAMINS - Beer contains all important B-vitamins, also vitamins A, D and E. For instance, two pints or one liter of beer covers 35% of the daily requirement of vitamin B6, 20% of the requirement of B2 and 65% of the requirement of Niacin. The same amount of beer contains about 200 mg vitamins and vitaminoid compounds which originate mainly from malt.
I really think these claims are exaggerated. Microbreweries may add more ingredients to their specific brew than is found in other beers.
Here is another viewpoint:
The alcohol in beer actually diminishes the bioavailability of vitamins, and prevents their absorption:
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.-- Galileo Galilei
Weezie looking at petunias 8.25.2017
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