Thread: Advice
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Old 01-25-2007, 09:38 PM
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Hi Susan

Welcome to the forum

In one of the very valuable links posted by Roz/Buckwheat, a general "overview" of RSD:
it says:
"Although opioids are the gold standard for treating acute pain, their use is highly controversial in CRPS.6 "We know that opioids cause hyperalgesia," said Harden. "If you have a drug that causes hyperalgesia and a disease that is characterized by hyperalgesia, how logical is it to use that drug in that disease?" Oaklander agreed that it was theoretically possible for opioids to worsen CRPS, but she said that this should not prevent physicians from prescribing opioids for certain patients who have CRPS. She did, however, caution that the lowest effective dose should be used."

So this applies to vicoden, oxycodone and oxycontin (anything with morphine in it)....may be worth trying to find a substitute for the vicoden to see if it lessens the sensitivity. May help a bit. (Didn't do a thing for my RSD anyway personally!)

BTW I went through the desensitization, it was a great help, though very hard at first...

Oh, a small request - would it be possible to type in maybe just small type, lose the caps - many of us have blurry eyes, that "mixed type" goes jumping all over the page for me - meds + old age = blurry vision !
all the best!

Last edited by artist; 01-26-2007 at 08:17 PM.
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