Thread: I need help
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Old 01-26-2007, 08:55 PM
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So sorry to hear what you're going through. I was just wondering what kind of doc you're seeing and how much they know about RSD. Many very good doctors know zilch about it. I ask because the swelling and discoloration are classic developmental symptoms of RSD, especially in the early stages.

Obviously, this may all be from the infection, or the cream, or a reaction to it, or something entirely different...but the fact that it has moved to the other foot (another RSD development) all seems suspiciously like RSD itself.

Hey, I could be way off the mark here, for all I know your doc is the top RSD expert in the country (?? ) - but to use the old forum's favourite phrase, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck".

In my first year of RSD, which started after I broke my arm and wrist, I could have described my arm and hand in exactly the same way as you just have (although it didn't spread, I was lucky there) - the swelling and discoloration usually appear quite early in this disease and can be severe.

Here is a very basic site for you to read:

Just in case they aren't getting these symptoms under control, and they are in fact from RSD, I would look up "swelling" and "discoloration" and "spread" along with RSD CRPS in google and print out the best articles to show your doc....

What a trial this RSD monster is, huh?

I hope they sort you out very soon,
all the best
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