Kitty thanks for the information. I thought your O.N. was gone. I think 9 mgs is way too much, IMO.
Also, ask Skip what time he thinks you should take it. You said you changed it to 4 am, when you wake up early, and then you nap later. Maybe you need to find out what time he thinks is best for you.
He said to me, anywhere between 9 pm and 3 am depending what time you go to bed. I take it about one hour before bed, because I go to bed in the wee hours of the morning sometimes.
So mine is varied when you think about it. I go to bed between 1 and 4 am. I do sleep 8 or 9 hrs though.
I don't know how it can help taking it in the day. It is not for that purpose, I thought.
I would love to know what Skip says.
My O.N. doesn't last long so I never had steroids for it because it was mild. Blurry in the middle of a big round yellow circle (Central Scotoma [sp?]). It goes away in two weeks, returns in a day or two, and goes away for good. Weird.
Once in the left eye and twice in the right eye. Never in both at the same time.
I hope your O.N. goes away soon.