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Old 01-27-2007, 05:17 PM
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Default HI CindyJ

I just wanted to share some of my experiences too... and some suggestions, some of them are very similar to the other's suggestions which I hope will encourage you!

I agree with gbsb, re: having things at home in order. I only had 2 weeks before my surgery to get prepared as well and I tried to have everything in order as well. I tried to have others do these tasks for me as I thought I needed to be as rested as possible so that I would be able to recover more readily. If you can, have friends or family do dinners for a week or longer. Can someone come and stay with you for the day your first week home?? That was very helpful to me.

I also slept in a recliner at night for the first week. I couldn't breathe laying flat on my back in bed. If you don't have one, maybe there is an organization in your town that has hospital beds that they loan out?? We have one in our town. THey deliver them and set them up for you and everything.

Also, for the ride home, take a FIRM pillow to hold against your chest, and pack "MOSHI" type pillows in everywhere you can to cushion you. I filled a pillow case full go under my legs and then used two under each arm and behind my neck and shoulders to ride home. Even with all of that, the ride home was the hardest part for me!!

I was fortunate to wake up from the surgery not in pain. They used a fentynl patch as well as an I.V. with dilaudid, so I did allright at the hospital. I told them about my concern for pain management at the pre-op. appt. because I too had been taking opiates prior to surgery for a while.

I didn't have palpitations so I can't comment on that. I am glad there are others here that could reassure you there!!

The only other thing I can think of to mention is be sure and get your body ready for possible constipation from the med.s from surgery. It's not pleasant to have to deal with that along with the pain! I wish I had started eating prunes and other fibers and drinking lots of fluids before surgery. They gave me senna pills and collase (sp?) at the hospital, and after I started having problems at home they recc. I get them. I had no idea they came over the counter !!

I'm sure that you will do well especially with all the wonderful advice everyone has offered!

Please keep us updated and let us know how you are doing and how things are going!!

God Bless!!

G ~
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