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Old 04-10-2010, 01:05 PM
wswells wswells is offline
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wswells wswells is offline
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Originally Posted by mimichicago View Post
I've been managing/attempting to ignore (hah!) my CRPS for a while now--basically just modifying my activity and trying to keep my chin up through the bad days. Mainly this is because the many therapists, therapies, and doctors I've tried haven't done a thing. I even did the half-day program at the acclaimed Rehab Institute of Chicago, and I was heartbroken with what turned out, in my case (I know the place has worked miracles for other conditions), to be a blatant money grab--my physical and occupational therapists had never even heard of CRPS/RSD, and my main doctor LITERALLY had the nerve to tell me that yes, the program would make all my pain go away! (She should've compared notes with the program's psychiatrist, who told me on my first day that I was incurable and should accept a lifetime of pain.)

I digress. My question: does anybody know of a doctor in or around Chicago who actually has a grasp on CRPS and might be able to help guide my treatment? I took a long break, and now I'm ready to start trying things again. The break from medical bills was nice, but I'm certainly not getting any better just sitting here.

Thanks for any advice you've got!
Hi Mimichicago, I to am originally from about 30 miles north of Chicago, but I didn't have RSD then, we moved to FL. in 1984 and I was lifting a patient and he decided he did'nt want to stand anymore, so as he was starting to fall I caught him and ruptured 3 discs in my back. I ended up having 3 back surgeries from that catch. MY ortho Dr. who I really liked told me I had RSD form one or all the surgeries. Anyway, sorry to rant on , There are so many teaching Hospitals in Chicago that I think I would call to see if they have a painmanagement area in their hospital. There is Northwestern Hosp., there is University of chicago hospital, They have a version of University of IL. Med. they must have something like PM at one of these Hospitals, if they don't shame on them, but I would still ask for any referals to Dr's on there staff especially to an anesthesiologist. When I was going thru all the crap that you seem to be going thru, my PCP would admit me and then he would call in an anesthesiologist for an assesment and that's how we got the ball rolling sometimes. Can't hurt to try! Keep trying and I really hope something comes of all this. Your new friend Wendy
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