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Old 04-26-2010, 12:39 PM
Kathie Glenn Kathie Glenn is offline
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Kathie Glenn Kathie Glenn is offline
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Originally Posted by dog lover View Post
I have been doing some research to see if there is a connection between depression and MG. I have been in a pretty deep depression for a couple of weeks now. I am trying to decide if it is med related or if I am simply depressed. I am on an antidepressant which my Neuro doubled a couple of months ago. I am still on pred and also cellcept. I am having ALOT of side effects from the cellcept and the neuro dropped me back down to 1,000 mg a day to see if that helps. If there is no improvement in 3 weeks he plans to take me off of it. I mentioned in another post that I am having severe memory loss to the point it is scaring me. I have a little dog I go visit everyday and twice in the last week I forgot the alarm code!!! I have been using this code for 2 years and it terrified me the first time but the second almost sent me over the edge. The alarm went off and I had to call the dogs owner. I am also having alot of shaking in my hands and night sweats so bad I have to sleep with a fan blowing right on me. My neuro said these are side effects of the cellcept and that is why he lowered my dose. I have had bouts of depression before but nothing like now. I feel like I want to shut myself up inside my house and not interact with other people. This is really out of character for me and I HATE feeling this way. Do any of you suffer from depression and if so do you think it is related to meds, dealing with a chronic disease or do I need to be concerned that I have fallen into a clinical depression? I am not having any suicidal thoughts but do have days where I feel like if I die I am ok with that because I am so tired of feeling sick and not able to live the life I used to. Sorry for sounding like a whiner but I am really scared because like I said this is so out of character for me.
I don't think I am depressed from the OMG, but the side effects of Prednisone, Mestinon and CellCept can certainly make one depressed. I take 2000 mg of CellCept daily, 60 mg of Mestinon 3 x a day and right now 15 mg of Prednisone daily. Was on 60 and have weaned down to 15. Our goal is to get to 7.5 mg daily. The extra 40 pounds I have gained, legs not feeling like they can lift me (feel like they weigh 50 lbs each) and the weakness of either the extra weight or fluid makes me depressed. My doctor said the Prednisone is making me feel this way and that is one reason is is trying to lower it as fast as we can while being safe about doing so. Mine MG just ocular, which is somewhat different from yours. My left eye twitches all the time (not from the Mestinon - was doing it before I started the Mestinon) which drives me crazy and make me want to scream. I too feel like I want to stay at home in my room and either nap or read. My husband is the love of my life, but at times I don't even want him at home. I just want to listen to music and feel sorry for myself. Years ago I was told my some quack I was clinically depressed. I don't know if I am or not. I am on 60 mg of Cymbalta a day and take Lorazapam (Ativan) when needed, as well. I feel like a walking pharmacy. I have always enjoyed working in my yard - not anymore. I don't have the energy to do anything. That is also depressing. I feel your pain.

What are you on for depression and what kind of side effects are you having from the CellCept? I can't tell what side effects are from what anymore. I was on Infuran and couldn't take that so we switched to CellCept.

You mentioned your memory. I think that is a side effect of the CellCept, not sure. I know I have bouts of not being able to remember names and what I went to another room for. I find myself just staring thinking - "why can't I remember squat anymore"?

I have always been the type of person who interacts at work and enjoys working with people. I don't even want to get out of bed anymore to go to work. I don't want to talk to people when I am there. I just want to do my job and go home.

I haven't felt suicidal either, but I have felt like I would like to get in my car and just drive somewhere. Just don't know where. I think that is a common feeling with depression.

You are no whiner! What you are going through is REAL to you and you can't help it. Just know others out here feel your pain and are here to support you emotionally.

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