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Old 04-26-2010, 07:41 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Originally Posted by Mite View Post
Hey everyone!

Wow, I finally made it! after a year of googling to no ends I finally came across NeuroTalk and registered immediately!

Well to start im 25, student, and just completing my education thankfully. I live in Canada so a big eh to the canuks and hello to the rest of the world

SO, to the problems :P

1 year ago during summer break, I picked up a landscaping job and worked like a dog! 60 hour weeks etc (tuition is expensive).. After the summer completion I started noticing problems in my hands.

- Tingling all over palm, fingers, base of wrist and thumb.
- Friction feeling like a scraping of the tendon and sheath along my fingers when i close and open hand.
- ALso slight tingling in my feet

This all progressively got worse. I have done NCS, MRI's, Tests to no ends, etc.. I have been through neurologists, othopedics, GP's, chiro's, acupuncture etc.. neuro and ortho said I had some carpal tunnel although Nerve tests came back negative.

So , after being ripped off by 2 chiro;s. I FINALLY found 1 chiro that specializes in soft tissue therapy. (Active Release Techniques)

After 3 visits my hands feel AMAZINg, she did release therapy in scalenes and pronator teres in forearm (which were incredibly tight) she found tons of scar tissue. So, I can go through the day lift weights, pull etc.. do whatever and no tingling (as of 4 days ago). She also realy works my palm and stretches the carpal tunnel ligamnets and breaks up scar tissue.. when i leave her office my hands feel amazing.

However, I went shopping 2 days ago and just pushing the cart along the parking lot pavement to the doors (40 ft)(heavy vibrations) .. My hands just stiffened up , all the tingling and stiffness came back instantly. I could lift whatever and not feel the symptoms, but assoon as vibrations touched myhands, everything came back along with some depression about it.

The chiro im seeing and acupuncturist thingk i have Poor blood circulation to hands and feet (maybe a root cause), ( they are always freezing along with my nose which i feel mild tingling) .. my brother also has circulation problems so im assuming genetics ( i am relatively fit and active )

MS has been ruled out thank god so just some nerve damage it seems.

So, I start a new job monday which requires some physical labour... I studied a long time for this job and dont even know If I will be able to make it through it .

Sorry to write a book :/ and excited to be apart of the community and find some support!

Enjoy the SUn!

Hi there.
Just wanted to say Welcome and Howdy!!!
My B-12 level is around 2000. You heard me correctly!! 2000
I had neuropathy in my feet (from diabetes) almost 2 years ago). I came on this forum, learned all about a specific form of B-12, which is Metholcobalimin and the rest is history. I take 5000 each and every morning, sub-lingually, on an empty stomach. Don't know where you can get it in Canada, but online is easy and it's not that expensive. I have used and (which gives the BEST value I have ever seen)

Give it a shot. You never know.

And I'm so proud of you (at age 25), to be doing what you are doing.

Best of Luck




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