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Old 04-27-2010, 09:06 AM
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Leesa Leesa is offline
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Hi ~ I''d continue with the physical therapy for as long as was recommended. At home, I'd use ice on the back, for 20 minutes every 2 hours or so. DO NOT USE HEAT as heat draws blood to the heated area, and that area already is swollen in there and drawing blood to it creates more swelling. Ice reduces swelling and also numbs the area. Use the ice when you get back from physical therapy.

You're right ~ you never should have gone to the Chiro. Don't ever go back. I had 2 different Neurosurgeons tell me that unless I wanted to be paralyzed and/or in a wheelchair, don't go to a chiropractor. They both said that anyone with back problems should stay away from them!!!

It is hard to recommend anything since you have degenerative disc disease. With all the discs drying out, that in turn reduces the disc space height and makes the spine unstable. Discs tend to herniate when the spine is unstable. I've had 2 open surgeries due to herniated discs, and these surely did NOT make things better for me. If anything, it made things worse, as my spine became unstable due to the surgery. Even if you have fusion (which I did not) your spine is left unstable and the discs above and below are apt to herniate or at least bulge. Pain is NOT a reason to have surgery either, as surgery only corrects mechanical problems. It does NOT correct pain. If any doctor tells you he can relieve your pain thru surgery, he's lying. Many times you're left with the same pain, or worse after surgery. So it's difficult to advise you what to do UNLESS the disc is impinging on the spinal cord and then you MUST have surgery. Also surgery is a MUST when you have cauda equina syndrome, where you've lost control of bowel & bladder function.

If I could, I would avoid surgery until I'd exhausted EVERY other avenue, i.e. spinal cord stimulator, morphine pump, epidurals, etc. If none of those work, then I might consider surgery. But I'd also try pain management first too. Surgery should be a last resort. God bless, and I hope you find an answer. Take care. Hugs, Lee

Originally Posted by PainBecomesMe View Post
I am a 49 year-old male who has been fit and in good health my whole life. I was working out 5-6 days a week and leading a normal, active life. 10 years ago, I had an MRI of my spine showing a slight herniation (2-3mm) in 1 disk in my lumbar and several other disk bulges. Besides occasional back pain which I was able to live with, I felt it had not impinged on my life, though I did occasionally go to a chiropractor to alleviate occasional low-back pain.

5 weeks ago I was simply horsing around playing basketball with my 10 year-old niece and I suddenly felt something happen in my left, lower back (like something popped or ripped or tore in one specific spot). I was able to continue and even worked out a couple hours later (though the dull pain persisted). By that night, I was unable to stand up. Went to the ER, they did an MRI and it showed I had 2 herniated disks (L1-2 & L4-5) that were 5mm protrusions + 4 other disk bulges on the other disks. I have occasional burning/tingling/numbness down the left leg into the foot, but it is not consistent.

I have already been to one Neurosurgeon, as well as a Chiropractor, Physiatrist, and Physical Therapist. The neurosurgeon prescribed 12 weeks of PT which I started 2 weeks ago, but I don't know how this is going to make my disks herniations go away. The surgeon said if PT doesn't work, then there is an epidural, then finally surgery. The chiropractor seemed more optmistic that he can make the herniations go away through pilates, deep-tissue massage, laser heat, and accupuncture. I had the first session a week ago and felt good when I left, but then the next 3 days had intense burning sensation down my left leg and foot. My physical therapist said he should have never done deep-tissue massage near the herniations. I won't be going back to that chiro!

I am really scared that I will never be the same and be able to do things I once did or live a normal life. In fact, because I also have disk degeneration, I fear that eventually that all my disks will give me trouble (in 5-10 years). It seems there are so many contradictory answers and opinions and false hope out there and it's difficult to wade through all of it, especially since surgery seems like it could never truly fix the problem and very possibly, make it worse and irreparable. I wanted to know if anyone on this forum has ever recovered from multi-disk herniations that are 5mm without surgery, and if you feel there is something you might be able to recommend?

Thank you very much.
recovering alcoholic, sober since 7-29-93;severe depression; 2 open spinal surgeries; severe sciatica since 1986; epidurals; trigger points; myelograms; Rhizotomy; Racz procedure; spinal cord stimulator implant (and later removal); morphine pump trial (didn't work);now inoperable; lumpectomy; radiation; breast cancer survivor; heart attack; fibromyalgia; on disability.

Often the test of courage is not to die, but to live..
.................................................. ...............Orestes
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