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Old 09-15-2006, 03:49 PM
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hi considerthis. I have PN in my legs too (burning, swelling, blood pooling, nerve damage) and it doesn't take much to knock me off my feet, so I know how scary it can be. When I walk downstairs I tap my heel on the next step down to orientate where my foot is going to land. I hate walking downstairs. I never walk on flat ground without looking at my feet often.

That hip pain could be from your back. I have ungodly backpain sometimes, but usually I just feel pain in my butt and legs. I do get a sharp pain in my butt (hip?) on the outside about 1/2 way down where it joins my legs. Get it behind the knee alot too. More so than my hip.

Can't offer any help other than to sympathize and tell you to be VERY careful when walking. I have LONG legs and my legs are so shot that the most I can muster are baby steps. My ankles are stiff and don't bend right.

I hate it! Takes me forever to get anywhere and the longer I walk the more they slow down. If I overdue do it on any given day I just park myself on the couch and call it a day. It's amazing how long you can hold a full bladder when it's too painful to walk

PS - trying to build up my leg muscles never does squat for me. The muscles just don't bulk up in response.

Last edited by dorry; 09-15-2006 at 03:51 PM. Reason: ps
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