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Old 05-07-2010, 06:00 PM
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Thanks for the replies, guys!

Well, I decided to take the prednisone today. It was just stupid for me to have tried that...I wasn't feeling deathly. It's highly possible that my adrenal glands were working, but I couldn't be sure, and didn't want to take a risk. So I took the 10mgs today, and will resume the EOD for a couple-few weeks...

Thanks, Tom...I was thinking the same thign, that since i've been on EOD, maybe my adrenal glands have kicked in. Here's the thing, though...I wake up sorta late....I usually take my medication at like 2pm...So I was thinking that could affect the ability of my glands to kick in...I know- note to self-- Wake up earlier...

Pat...I was started on 60 (one month), then upped to 80 (for one month), then down back to 60 for maybe 3-months, then 50/40 for 2-weeks, 50/30, etc., then jumped to 30mgs EOD for 3-weeks, 20mgs for a couple, then here I am @ 10...At some point, I sorta stopped following a regular schedule in terms of the tapering...As i tapered, I found my arms and legs stronger...More energy...Joint pain returned (I had mild-moderate arthritis), but didn't bug me, in fact, I saw it as a sign that the prednisone was losing its power over my body...Cuts were healing again, facial and neck swelling going down, etc...I think it's great taht you resisted this med.. I know that it can help some very much, but it just caused problems that weren't worth having over the MG (which was still a strong force during the therapy anyway)...

Thanks, Kendra...I totally agree with you, Tom and Pat...Going off like this, even if maybe my adrenal glands were producing some steroids, was a silly idea, and i'm back on it...This is something else I was thinking...I'm prone to infections, so even if my adrenal glands were sorta working, what if I got an infection? I have a feeling they wouldn't have been up to the job in terms of providing enough cortisol...That's the main thing that made me go back on it...I'm gonna get off this the right way....Very slowly...I think the Imuran might be causing side-effects...Like maybe headaches, and I was thinking about the breast thing, or hormone thing...I remember someone on this site mentioned that when they started taking this, they started having two periods a month...It could have been from a different med. they were taking, but they were thinking it was from this, if I recall correctly...Maybe it does affect our hormones...I still go for liver tests every week...I'm gonna ask my doc. to check on this stuff...It's been such an annoying last month or so...I have a lump in my breast which has changed...It's no longer spherical, has grown 0.5 cm since it was last biopsied, and i have to go for another biopsy on Monday, and prolly get it taken out because it's so big, and they're concerned about lumps with me since it looks like I might be a tumour factory...

So you're completely off the cellcept now? That's great! And I hope your memory and everythign has improved...I'm so sorry you went through that...That would be completely scary...Good that you were your own advocate....I think we all know when something's not right, even if it can't really be measured....We are our best advocates; the owners of these bodies...How's the MG going?

Well, things will be alright...I'm glad I'm pretty body conscious, even though that might be bad sometiems...With my eyes, I originally went to the hospital, and I told the doc. on call that I was 90% sure I had cataracts, and he looked at me like I was insane...Even when he checked my eyes, he coudln't see anything...But he said taht he believed the sx I was experiencing were real, just not from cataracts...When I saw the opthamologist, he said I was right and it was good that I followed my instincts to get to a doctor because they're small enough that the sx they'd cause could be ignored or not noticed...My vision is still over 20/20...

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